Публикации Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку для студентов I курса

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Публикация: Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку для студентов I курса
Автор: Кузубова Галина Васильевна

Рабочая тетрадь для самостоятельной работы по английскому языкустудентов 1 курсаПояснительная запискаРабочая тетрадь для самостоятельной работы по английскому языку для студентов ОГАПОУ «Корочанский СХТ» создана в помощь преподавателям и студентам, изучающим английский язык на первом курсе по учебному пособию «Английский язык в фокусе» авторского коллектива под руководством Афанасьевой О.В.. с целью активизации и закрепления материала учебника. Создание данной тетради для самостоятельной работы вызвано необходимостью дополнить, углубить и систематизировать материал, который содержится в УМК «Английский язык в фокусе».Учебный материал тетрадидля самостоятельной работы состоит из 4 разделов (Units). Тетрадь для самостоятельных работ тесно связана с учебником структурно и содержательно. Основное ее назначение — помочь студентам закрепить и активизировать языковой и речевой материал учебника, автоматизировать лексико-грамматические навыки, развивать умения студентов в чтении и письменной речи. Большое внимание уделяется развитию умения выражать свое личное отношение к читаемому, происходящему в жизни, что готовит студентов к реальному общению с англоговорящими партнерами.Широкий спектр разнообразных заданий, в том числе наличие заданий повышенной трудности, позволяет реализовать личностно-ориентированный подход к обучению английскому языку и работать со студентами с разным уровнем подготовки и с разными интересами. В тетрадь включены типы заданий, часто используемые в ряде известных систем тестирования, что готовит к объективному контролю и самоконтролю студентов в процессе изучения английского языка.Тетрадь для самостоятельной работы соответствует уровню подготовки студентов, рекомендованному для данного года обучения ФГОС СПО третьего поколения по иностранным языкам.Раздел «Культурные и национальные традиции, краеведение, обычаи и праздники»Задание1.Установите соответствие между заголовками A–F и текстами 1–5. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только одинраз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок. A. Geographical position B. Education C. The famous town D. State holiday E. Pages of history F. Sights 1. More than 80 percent of New Zealand’s population are Britons or Europeans. That's why the New Zealand school system is similar to the British one. Education is free and compulsory for children between the ages of 6 and 16.The school year starts in January (after the summer holidays) and ends in December. In most schools wearing a school uniform is obligatory. For New Zealand teenagers daily life takes place in school where they stay up to the late afternoon. 2. Canada occupies most of the northern North America continent as well as some islands. It stretches from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west. It's also washed by the Arctic Ocean in the north. The country was discovered in 1497 by John Cabot, an Italian sea captain. About 2% of the Canadian territory is covered with ice. The eastern part of the country is mainly valleys and plains. The western territories are made up of the Cordilleras.3. Most Americans simply call the Independence Day the “Fourth of July”. It always falls on this day, and it celebrates the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. At that time, the people of the 13 British colonies were involved in a war which had begun in 1775. The colonists were fighting for freedom from the English. The Declaration of Independence stated it clearly. For the first time in history the colonies were defined as the United States of America. 4. With great weather, great events and terrific crowds Australia Day in Melbourne in 2010 was one of the best ever! It is a day for all Australians to get together and, in whatever way they choose, celebrate being Australian. 1788 is when the British Fleet first arrived at Sydney Cove and lifted the British flag. Now, major cities throughout the country celebrate the national day with parades, free food, and different events. 5. Cambridge lies in East Anglia, about 50 miles north of London. The river Cam flows through it. It gets the name Cambridge from the river. It's a compact green city. There is always something to do and to see in the city: walk in the parks and gardens, visit museums and galleries, enjoy the festivals or relax in small cafés. The city is best known as the home of Cambridge University, one of the world's best universities. It was founded in 1209 and it consists of 30 colleges.Задание 2.1) Переведите предложения на русский язык, подчеркните инфинитив.
  • To live is to work and to study.
  • He wanted to visit his ill friend.
  • You must learn the new words to translate the text.
  • The lesson to be read at home is not difficult.
  • She stepped book to look at the lighted window.
  • I am sorry to disturb you.
  • 2)Выберитеправильныйвариант1. I saw her … into the building.a) comingb) comec) to come2. I believed you … three mobile phones.a) haveb) to havec) having3. He made me … the window.a) to closeb) closingc) close4. I saw them … in the park.a) to playb) playc) playing5. She believes Mark … a good guy.a) beb) beingc) to be6. I saw you … in the park. Everybody liked it!a) dancingb) dancec) to dance7. Mr. Smith saw her friends … the classroom.a) leavingb) leavec) to leaveЗадание3. Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 итекстами А–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую буквутолько один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.1. Thehistoryofthename2. Pumpkin: brief facts 3. Cooking with pumpkin 4. The autumn celebrity fruit 5. Pumpkin recipes6. Pumpkin’s magical popularity7. Growing a pumpkin8. Pumpkin in the learning processA. The pumpkin is a large round fruit with a thick orange skin and large seeds. Pumpkins are 90% water but they contain potassium and vitamin A. Six ofseven continents can grow pumpkins. Pumpkins symbolize the colours and the spirit ofthe autumn. Lots of movies were made with pumpkin and Halloween themes.B. It's believed that pumpkins come from North America. Native American Indians ate pumpkins for centuries before the Europeans discovered the fruit. In European languages the word ''pumpkin'' originated from the Greek word for"large melon" which is "pepon." "Pepon" was changed by the French into "pompon." The English changed "pompon" to "pumpion."C. In the United States, pumpkins go hand in hand with the autumn holidays ofThanksgiving and Halloween. On almost every Thanksgiving table there is the customary Pumpkin Pie. Pumpkins are carved into decorated lanterns forHalloween. The pumpkin is also one of the important symbols of the harvest festivals and has been an American favourite for over 400 years now. D. In the USA, the pumpkin is a very popular Thanksgiving dish. We don't know for sure whether the pumpkin was at the very first Thanksgiving dinner but itwas used in all traditional meals long before the arrival of the Europeans. Mostparts of the pumpkin are suitable for eating, including the shell, the seeds, the leaves, and even the flowers. When ripe, the pumpkin can be boiled, baked, steamed or roasted.E. The pumpkin is a warm-season fruit. If you want to have a nice pumpkin forHalloween, plant the seeds from late May in northern regions to early July in southern regions. Pumpkins can be harvested whenever they are a deep, solidcolour (orange for most varieties) and the coat is hard. Cut off pumpkins carefully and leave 3 to 4 inches of stem attached.F. The pumpkin is a real October icon – the fruit of the month. It's also popular as an available, inexpensive material for some wonderful classroom activities! Itssize, colour, smell and taste make it perfect for observation and exploration. Working in groups students can search, suggest, predict and estimate the number of seeds in a set of pumpkins.G. For centuries the pumpkin has been popular with wizards, witches and fairies. Maybe that’s why it is celebrated in so many festivals, folklore and fiction. People make jack-o'-lanterns at Halloween in the USA. In European andAmerican fairy-tales witches often turn people into pumpkins. Even in modern the Harry Potter novels pumpkin juice is the favourite drink of the students ofHogwart’s school.Задание4.Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений, обозначенными буквами A-G. Одна из частей в списке A-G лишняя. Занесите букву, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.It was 1917 in the village of Cottingley, England, when a 16-year-old girl called Elsie Wright borrowed her father's camera and took photos by the small stream behind her family home.When Elsie's father developed the photos, 1)_____________   . They looked like fairies.Elsie and her 11-year-old cousin Frances took more photos of the fairies in 1918 and showed them to Elsie's parents. Mr Wright didn't believe in fairies, 2)_______          . However, Elsie's mother believed that the fairies were real. She began to tell people about the fairy photos, and in 1920, she gave two of the pictures to an expert named Edward Gardner.The news of the fairies spread quickly, and in June 1920, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle heard about the photos. He borrowed copies of the pictures from Gardner and had them tested. He also sent Gardner to Cottingley 3)___________ . Gardner reported that the Wright family seemed honest, but there was still no real answer to the mystery of the photos. Were they proof that fairies existed, 4)_______         ? Gardner believed that the only way to find out the truth would be for Elsie and Frances to take more photos of the fairies.In the summer of 1920, Elsie and Frances took three more photos of fairies. The photos were sent to London, 5)_________________ . Nobody could agree on whether or not the fairies in the pictures were real. If they were not real, however, there was still a mystery about how the girls managed to take such convincing photos.Nobody else ever saw the fairies, and Elsie and Frances did not take any more photos. Throughout the rest of their lives, the girls avoided giving an answer about the fairies. At times ,6) __________ , and at other times, they insisted that the fairies were real. The Cottingley Fairies are still talked about today, and are still one of England's mysteries.A   or were they just a clever trickB   as she often stayed with Elsie's family during the school holidaysC   to get to know the Wright family  they claimed that the photos were a trickE   so he thought that Elsie had faked the photosF   he noticed that there were small figures in one of the pictures  where they were carefully studiedЗадание5.Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 итекстами А–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую буквутолько один раз. Взаданииестьодинлишнийзаголовок.1. St. Patrick and the Western world2.Traditionalcolour3.St. Patrick’s influence on learning4.A curious souvenir5.Protection from enemies6.The founder of Christianity in Ireland7.St. Patrick’s miracles8.The symbol of IrelandA. St. Patrick, Patron saint of Ireland, was a real man who was born around 389 AD and died probably in 461. He studied in European monasteries and after several years was sent back to Ireland as a bishop. There he spent the rest of his life teaching the people of Ireland to read and write while converting them to Christianity: tried to combine old customs with new meanings. Still, his life was in constant danger because there were always people who didn’t want to change.B. However, as time went on he was loved more and more. During his life-time Patrick’s fame as a teacher and missionary spend throughout the Western world. During the Dark Ages, when education and arts had almost disappeared in Europe, St. Patrick’s teaching kept learning alive in Ireland. The country became known as the ‘Island of Saints and Scholars’.C. There are a lot of stories about amazing things St. Patrick is supposed to have done. It’s said that once he escaped from his enemies by turning himself and his companies into deer. Another story tells how one of his friends was saved from fire because he was wearing Patrick’s robe. The most famous legends are about how Patrick drove all the snakes out of Ireland because he had cast a magic spell on them.D. While the legends about St. Patrick feats are fun and interesting to hear, the truth about him is what made him a great and famous man. Almost singlehandedly he saved the fundamentals of civilization for the Western world. And it is through him that Ireland has its old traditions of scholarship and literature.E. Ireland is known as the Emerald Isle because of the lush green colour of the landscape. Its mild, moist climate is ideal for vegetation and type of clover called shamrock grows everywhere. This three-leafed plant has become a symbol of Irish heritage and many people wear green shamrocks on St.Patrick’s Day in March, 17.F. In fact, green is colour everywhere associated with St. Patrick’s Day; both in United States and in Ireland, people wear something green on this holiday. At one time, a person who wasn’t wearing green on ST. Patrick’s Day got a little pinch (=pick at) from anyone who caught him or her.G. There is also a funny custom to make or buy ‘ST. Patrick’s snake’ on this day. You might not want to have a real snake hissing in your room, but a cute stiffed toy will be lovely. It’ll stay where you put it any guard you against draughts on cold, windy nights. The snake can fill the gaps under your door or a window and keep you from getting chilled. That’s why it is called ‘the chill-chaser’. If you have your green St. Patrick’s snake the holidays keeps going all the year round.Задание6.Exercise 1.Use articles where necessary:1. ... London is ... capital of ... Great Britain , ... full name of which is ... United Kingdom of ... Great Britain and ... Northern Ireland. 2. ... Volga is ... fabulous river. 3. They used to spend their summer holidays on ... Black Sea coast in ... Crimea. 4. Many European adventurers crossed ... Atlantic Ocean in ... search of ... riches on ... American continent prior to ... Columbus. 5. ... Gorki Street was renamed into ... Tverskaya Street. 6. ... Red Square and ... Kremlin are ... heart of ... capital. 7. ... London was founded in ... 1st century ВС by ... Julius Caesar. 8. ... St. Petersburg was founded on ... banks of ... Neva by Peter ... Great. 9. ... Johnsons are our next-door neighbours. 10. ... Canada is situated in ... northern part of... North America. 11. Beyond lay... Smoky Mountains. 12. We left for ... East on the following morning. 13. We came to ... Ohio River after that. 14. They passed many coal mines on ... way. 15. We crossed ... historic Delaware River at... Trenton. 16. He arrived in ... New York on ... very rainy day. 17. The Mannings went through ... Blue Ridge Mountains on their trip. 18. She spent several hours at... Bronx Zoo on ... Monday. 19. They took ... wonderful boat ride around ... Manhattan on ... last day of their visit. 20. ... Dr. Rebecca Richards is our dentist. 21. ... Lions donated ... money for ... new park. 22. You could buy ... Picasso for £300 in those days. 23. I'm reading ... Agatha Christie at ... moment. 24. ... Lady Diana's wedding dress was very beautiful. 25. ... Sir Michael has made it very clear. 26. ... Ryan gave ... Sunday Tribune to his father.Exercise 2.Use articles where necessary:A.1. ... room 25 is on ... 3d floor. 2. ... lecture begins at ... 9 o'clock in ... morning. 3. ... 5 o'clock tea is ... tradition in England. 4. Open ... textbook on ... page 20 and look at ... picture at ... top of... page. 5. ... February is ... shortest month of ... year. 6. He read ... story from ... beginning to ... end. 7. ... new year begins on ... 1st of ... January. 8. She is in ... 10th year at ... school and her brother is ... 3d year student at ... university. 9. ... number 10, Downing Street is ... residence of... British Prime Minister.B.1. ... fish is more useful than ... meat. 2. Don't drink ... milk, it is very cold. 3. ... water in ... river is quite warm this summer. 4. Can you bake ... bread? 5. ... bread isn't enough for ... three of us. 6.I take ... coffee with ... sugar. 7. ... English like to drink ... tea with ... milk. 8. ... man can't live without ... air. 9. There was ... smell of ... spring in ... air. 10. You married her not for ... love but for ... money.C.1. ... primitive man was ... slave to ... nature. 2. I want you to tell ... truth. 3. Can I see ... picture, ... one he gave you ... minute ago. 4. It cost her... hundred and... fifty pounds. 5. ... lecture lasts ... hour and ... half. 6. We called them once, then ... second and ... third time and thought we had dialed ... wrong number. 7. There are ... few points I'd like to clear up. 8. ... number of ... 1st year students has significantly increased this year. 9. He decided to spend ... few pounds he had on ... books. 10. There's ... little juice in the bottle, you can drink it. 11. "Well, is ... wrong side ... left side or is... wrong side ... right side? Because I got out on ... right side, so how can it be wrong?" asked Michael. 12. ... hour passed, ... second hour passed. 13. Mr. Kelada was chatty. He discussed ... plays, ... pictures, ... politics.D.1. What... fine day! 2. What is ... date today? 3. What ... day is it today? 4. What ... beautiful weather we are having today! 5. What ... warm welcome they showed. 6. Look, what ... lovely present I've received. 7. What's ... news?Задание 7. 1) Read the text“Mr. Holland’s Dream”When Mr. Holland was a young man, he played a lot of football, and he had always been thin and very strong. But then he worked in an office for many years, and he drove to work in a car, so when he was forty, he was fat and very soft, and he didn’t wish to get fatter and softer every year.One day one of his friends said to him: “Would you like to be thinner, Fred?”“Of course, I would”. Mr. Holland answered.“Well”, his friend said, “stop going to your office by car, and get a bicycle”.Mr. Holland had not ridden a bicycle for many years. “It’s very hard to learn to ride a bicycle again at your age”, his wife said.But it was not too hard for Mr. Holland to do. He usually sat in his living room and read the newspaper in the evening, but he bought a bicycle for his birthday and practiced riding it every evening instead. He hope that it would help him to get thinner, and he got a lot of pleasure from it.He found little roads which not really very narrow, but were too narrow for cars, and there he got away from the nasty noises of the city, which were becoming too much for him. They were not really very loud, but they were too loud for Mr. Holland.Then he began to go his office by bicycle. Sometimes all the cars stopped at a red light, and he went past them to the front, because his bicycle was narrow. Then he was very happy.Yesterday he stopped at a red light, and a man came up behind him on another bicycle. he stopped too and to Mr. Holland, “Have the police taken your driving licence away too?” 2) Put the sentences in the correct order.
  • Then he began to go to his office on his bicycle.
  • He usually sat in his living room and read the newspaper.
  • It was not too hard for Mr. Holland to ride a bicycle.
  • He found little roads which were not really very narrow.
  • When Mr. Holland was a young man, he played a lot of football.
  • When he was forty, he was fat and very soft.
  • Mr. Holland hadn’t ridden a bicycle for many years.
  • He didn’t wish to get fatter and soften every year.
  • When all the cars stopped at a red light Mr. Holland went past them, because his bicycle was narrow.
  • Another man stopped too and said to Mr. Holland “Have the police taken your licence away too?”
  • 3) Answer the following questions.
  • What is Mr. Holland’s dream?
  • When did he play a lot of football?
  • Why had he always been thin and very strong?
  • Why did he become fat and very soft?
  • What was the advice of one of his friends?
  • Was it hard to follow this advice? Why?
  • What did he usually do in the evening?
  • What would help him to get thinner?
  • Where did Mr. Holland practice?
  • Did he stop at the red light?
  • Why did a man behind him ask: “Have the police taken the driving licence away too?”