Публикации Эффективные способы подготовки к экзаменам

Всероссийский сборник статей и публикаций института развития образования, повышения квалификации и переподготовки.

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Язык издания: русский
Периодичность: ежедневно
Вид издания: сборник
Версия издания: электронное сетевое
Публикация: Эффективные способы подготовки к экзаменам
Автор: Маковеева Наталья Николаевна

ContentsIntroduction…………………………………………………..2Stress …………………………………………………………2Effective/ineffective reactions to stress………………………3How we can study harder …………………………………….3School leavers’ experiences …………………………………..4-5Physical and psychological exercise …………………………..5Profile ………………………………………………………… 6References ……………………………………………………. 7 The title of my project is «Effective ways of preparation for examinations». I consider that this subject is actual especially now when USE actively takes the place in our society. Not all examinees can cope with an intense situation in which they appear. Unfortunately, from time to time we read in the press, watch on television, discuss with our friends the cases of inadequate reaction to the forthcoming examinations.With the help of this work I hope you’ll get known more information about the effective means of study and preparing for school examinations and tests. I’d like you to use this knowledge in your school life nowadays and in the future, besides I want you to present the results of it to your classmates, parents, maybe some other groups of your school.To study this point I used a survey method, the method of comparison. In every person’s life there is a period of examinations full of stress and excitement. Some people have this test in their childhood when they finish, for example, musical or art schools. All young people have school – leaving examinations at the end of the ninth form, a lot of pupils finish the eleventh form of secondary school Almost all the participants of this conference and our group are expected to have exams. Though some of you are in the fifth form, you maybe think how to prepare for them successfully nowadays. “Successfully” means excellent marks and the least damage to your health.Of course, examinations are always the stress. What is it STRESS? Stress is a reaction of our body to different changes or unusual situations. It doesn’t matter what changes or situations they are: good or not very good. From physiological processes the stress proves as sleeplessness, frequent heartbeat, headaches, indigestion, spasms, appetite loss. Psychological symptoms of a stress are the absent-mindedness, disorder of memory, uneasiness, tearfulness, excessive concern, baseless scares, irritability. There is no doubt that taking exams in such state is a rather difficult task. And everybody wants to get rid of these symptoms.The main thing we must pay attention to is our attitude to the problem. If we want to find the course of difficulties in other people, we won’t be able to cope with them because we can’t change anybody around. Nobody can be happy on this way. But if we try to analyze our own behavior, reactions, emotions, feelings, we’ll get real opportunities to overcome all the obstacles on the way to successful results. One of the main barriers on this way is nerves and excitement. The source of them is uncertainty in knowledge and the wish to pass exams excellently, well or satisfactorily for somebody. The greater the difference between these two points is, the higher the stress is. So it’s important to make the difference less. To achieve it, of course, the certainty must become higher, the wish must be adequate. To enlarge the confidence in knowledge everybody should study harder. It’s easy to say, but complicated to do even for excellent pupils. I’d like to remind everyone just one and essential rule: discipline and change of activity. Discipline is our timetable, the mode of the day. We should start doing home tasks at the same time. Don’t forget to combine it with out-of-school activities. Usually the time of the beginning doing homework depends on it. Try to have meals and go to bed or get up at the certain time too. We’re usually tired not from learning but from learning ‘monotonously, doing the same thing. So remember changing the activities: study for half an hour or forty minutes then have a short break, after it learn the other subject and so on. Everybody should walk. The main food for brains is oxygen. The main food for organism is vegetables, berries, fruit, fish and water. We spend a lot of water when we are in excitement or when we just learn, that’s why half a glass of water before the lesson is helpful for effective thinking. As for exams, water is important even during the examination. Go to bed by 11 p.m., sleep not less than 8 hours. If a pupil is afraid of unknown situation, there is a good moment to organize a home exam to play a future test. Don’t forget to discuss your fears with close people, specialists. Finally, think positively. Of course, it’s not clever to make up (imagine) that you’ll get 100 points and do nothing. But study hard and hope for luck. Don’t mind putting a coin of five kopeks under your heel, crying ‘Khalyava (Freebie), come’ out of the window, putting the textbook under your pillow (these ‘tools’ help to switch yourself from the exam, calm down, add some humor. I’m sure one more main thing to be ready for different tests and exams is our psychological mood.Of course, theoretical knowledge is very essential but there’s no doubt that excellent pupils and school- leavers’ experiences are also required. So I made a profile which included, in my opinion, some important points for successful study. You can see the items of it on the screen. / / I asked 30 people. They were former pupils of our region schools and present pupils, besides, one half of this group included excellent schoolchildren. You can see some of them: Natalja Kovshova, left secondary school N2 in 2009, Yuri Zanozin, secondary school N3, 2008, Biriukova Evgeniya, Severnaya school, 2004, Mikhailova Anastaziya, Severnaya school, 2017, Makarova Irina, Zhakova Kseniya, Severnaya school, 2005. The other group –those pupils who had and have satisfactory marks.I’d like to analyze the results. A hundred percent don’t want to worry again the period of exams in their life. Usually we’re not ready to repeat unpleasant situations. Just about 7 percent (two people) answered that they were taught to cope with stress. Some former pupils said it’s a great problem of our education: pupils have to take stressful examinations but they don’t have any tools to lower the stress. 50 percent found their own ways out: one of them drank warm tea before the exams, 15 people tried not to think about the exams. All of the former pupils who have medals paid a lot of attention to regular trainings: not less than two hours a day, usually much more. The other group spent less than two hours a day. As for their wish to study, 50 percent liked learning very much, the same pupils answered that it depended on the subject. All of them wanted to be taught to cope with stress. So, the theoretical information in the middle of the project would have been useful for them, besides the next moment will be helpful for everybody too.Do you want to learn at least one exercise to overcome fears? I hope you do! I want to show a psychological and physical exercise. Please stand up and do with me! Bend your right arm in the elbow, put your left hand on the right forearm and make twelve rotary motions with the bent hand forward warming up with the left hand the right forearm and thinking about your fear and problem. Then twelve rotary motions back. Now let do the same with the other arm and hand. Now do the following actions with me. With the help of these moments we remove fears, as they say that fear usually goes into our heels. Thank you. To sum up, I can say that right mode of the day, right diet, home exams, sometimes even superstitions, psychological exercise, other people’ s experiences are our effective ways of preparation for different exams. Good luck!
  • Name, surname_________________________________________________
  • Year of leaving school___________________________________________
  • How long a day did it take you to do your home tasks?_________________
  • The length of your night sleeping hours______________________________
  • Did you like to study?___________________________________________
  • What were the reasons for excellent study?__________________________
  • Were you afraid of exams and tests?________________________________
  • Were you taught to cope with fear of exams, with your stress?____________
  • Did you have your own means of coping with stress?___________________
  • Do you want to come back into your exam spell? _____________________
  • Thank you for your sincere answers!
  • References1. Bandura A. Self-Efficacy Theory. The Exercise of Control. – N.Y. – 2000.2. 2. Sirota N. A. Coping- behavior at teenage age. Дисс. to Sasyk. Wuchang. step. doctors of medical sciences. SPb, 1994.3. The portal of the psychological PsyJournals.ru editions is [coping- behavior at teenage age and prevention of his addictive option - Addictive behavior: prevention and rehabilitation]4. Zavyazkin O. V. How to avoid stress. – M.: Stalker. 20005. Bozovic L. I. The personality and her formation at children's age. - M, 1972.