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Версия издания: электронное сетевое
Автор: Мирзаев Нодирали Кадирали угли

О.А. Гайтерова, к.э.н.доцент ФГБОУ ВО «Уральский государственный экономический университет», г. Екатеринбург, gaiterova_oa@usue.ruO.A. Gaiterova, PhD«Ural State University of Economics», YekaterinburgН.К. Мирзаев, И.А. Коньков, Ф.Ф. Шамсиддинов, Ш.М. Каримзода студенты ЭК-19-3ФГБОУ ВО «Уральский государственный экономический университет», г. Екатеринбург, mrmirzaev08@gmail.com, vanya.konkov.1990@mail.com, superfaxr@mail.ru, www.shoh18@gmail.comN.K. Mirzaev, I.A. Konkov, F.F. Shamsiddinov, Sh.M.Karimzoda students EC-19-3ТРАНСФОРМАЦИЯ БИЗНЕС-МОДЕЛЕЙ МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫХ КОМПАНИЙTRANSFORMATION OF BUSINESS MODELS OF INTERNATIONAL COMPANIESКлючевые слова: международный бизнес, бизнес модели, международные компании.Keywords: international business, business models, international companies.Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются основные проблемы международных компаний, а также трансформацию их бизнес-моделей.Annotation: The article deals with the problems of international companies, as well as the transformation of their business models.The vast majority of executives who built their careers before the coronavirus pandemic felt that time-tested business models targeting a wide audience of customers were inadequate in relevance. These executives did not immediately realize that there was a need to move to specific market segments instead of a broad market. During COVID-19, corporations that did not change their business models began to lose their share in the market for goods and services, and digital giants could not help but take advantage of this, thereby causing the need for companies to change[1].Not too long ago, General Electric's aircraft engine division found a solution that changed the entire industry. Several years ago, the corporation sold aircraft engines, as well as spare parts and services, separately from each other. Certain segments themselves were highly vulnerable to competition from other companies. At some point, the managers of General Electric realized that absolutely all aviation companies need reliable aircraft, and not their individual parts, from which they are assembled. After some thought, the experts developed a completely new model "OnPoint" which was based on the principle of the hourly cost of an aircraft engine. The point is that companies do not pay for the engines, but for the time spent in flight. With this business model update, aircraft engine manufacturers have had a very strong incentive to improve engine reliability, which will drive out the rest of the maintenance providers[3]. By and large, General Electric's specialists overpowered their competitors by changing the entire industry as a whole, and the aviation sector has become one of the fastest growing segments of the company.The privately held Swagelok Corporation specializes in power regulators for liquid or gas applications. This company had two production segments: laboratory and industrial. After the specialists studied the contractual profit indicators of the factories, the net profit indicators are much higher than those of the laboratories. The main problem was that laboratories made a separate order for each experiment, which accordingly required much more time and effort. The factories worked according to templates, entering into standard contracts that did not require additional effort or cost. As a result of observations, the corporation decided to increase sales to factories, and to work with laboratories, hire and train graduate students from universities to advise on product selection, thereby reducing development costs and reducing returns. After that, all profit charts went up.The company "Nalco" is engaged in the production of reagents for water treatment. The company's products have been subject to price pressure from competitors more than once. The specialists of this company have installed sensors in the containers for chemicals that monitor the consumption of consumables. After that, Nalco employees made a new discovery, namely: by tracking the rate of consumption of a chemical and comparing it with the rate that it would have, provided it was working efficiently, the specialists of the firm could easily determine if there were any operational problems of their clients. This analysis helped reduce the cost of shipping and manufacturing chemicals. When such problems were discovered, Nalco employees immediately warned the customer about them. Considering that the losses from a faulty system were several times higher than the cost of consumables, the company became one of the most profitable strategic partners for its clients. After installing sensors in customers' tanks and acquiring close collaborative relationships with customers, Nalco quickly overtook its competitors[4].The home appliance store chain conducted its own profit analysis, which ultimately led to the discovery of the problem that almost half of the profits were destroyed in stores with very low sales in the last part of their life cycle. The problem was not that the stores did not write off outdated products, but that they thought until the very last that they would buy this product at the regular price. All this prevented stores from forcing shelves with new products, which ultimately reduced profitability. The solution was simple, but not very obvious. It was proposed to reduce supplies to stores with a small turnover a month before the termination of supplies to a store with a large turnover. After this decision, the company's profit increased dramatically. Unlike small stores, large stores managed to sell their goods, but in stores with not very large turnover, goods simply clogged the shelves. After this decision, the company's profits soared. Unlike small ones, large stores managed to sell their goods, but in stores with not very large turnover, goods just simply filled up the shelves. Corporation "SKF" - produces and sells bearings. The company sold components to manufacturers of all sorts of equipment, but did not pay attention to the aftermarket at all. Over time, executives created their own new segment in the aftermarket. The new manager discovered that the division was made up of two distinct segments[2]. The company was engaged in the sale of bearings and worked with car services. Customers in the industrial sector sought to minimize equipment downtime due to bearing replacements, while customers in the automotive sector needed assistance in selecting the right bearings for a particular repair, with instructions and accessories. Having learned about this, the company's managers came up with special kits to serve their customers. For customers in the automotive industry, they have created many different kits. The company's profit has grown exponentially. So, in order to succeed in the new times, you need to learn how to choose clients and refuse those who, for some reason, are not suitable for you. It is equally important to develop a profitable business model based on increasing the value of products and services for customers, as well as reducing service costs. This is the only way to achieve stable profit growth.Bibliography
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