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Версия издания: электронное сетевое
Автор: Дюльдева Кристина Леонидовна

PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF PRESCHOOL CHILDRENDyuldeva Kristina Leonidovnastudent of the Belgorod National Research UniversityBelgorod, RussiaIn the modern world, more and more attention is paid to the psyche and psychological features of a person, because psychological features are the main indicator of a person as a personality. Therefore, the topic of our study is psychological peculiarities of development. To begin with, it is necessary to understand what are the psychological peculiarities of a person in general? Having analyzed the works of famous psychologists, we can conclude that these are certain abilities of a person, his character and interests, which were formed in the course of his entire life. But, as you can see, the topic of our study is directed more narrowly – we are studying the psychological features of children of preschool age. If we mentioned above that such features include those that have developed during all of a person's life activity, then what can we say about children of 3-7 years of age? After all, they have not fully formed a system of behavior, character, any habits and interests. А. Leontiev, a Soviet psychologist, wrote that in the preschool years, a child "knots are being tied, the first connections and relations are being established which form a new, higher unity of activity and at the same time a new, higher unity of the subject - the unity of a personality", he said that therefore, the period of preschool childhood is important because "mental mechanisms of personality develop during this period" [4].It is important to understand that preschool age is a period in which many changes occur in the child's body. For example, the child's sensory experience is enriched and organized, and voluntary memory, attention and imagination are formed. Children master forms of perception and thinking, where the foundations are laid for self-awareness, development and mastery of specific motor skills. The preschool age is also called the "age of play. The introduction of a story and a play role for the child considerably increase his or her capacity in many spheres of mental life.It is in the preschool age, starting at age three, that the most important phenomenon occurs - the cognitive process begins to actively develop: the child sees; the child recognizes; the child remembers;the child reproduces [2].Also, we can highlight sensory development, which acquires a number of features: sensory benchmarks are learned, and purposefulness, regularity, controllability and awareness of perception grow. Thinking processes of a preschool child change, each time passing to a new, more important, stage of development. Thinking itself will change from being based on the visual-actual to the visual-imaginative and then to the verbal-logical, becoming extrasituational. The active form of thinking is important for children because at this stage there is an interiorization of thinking and at the same time there is a restructuring of practical actions; during figurative thinking, the preanalytic stage of thinking prevails in children - a child thinks in schemes, certain images that are preserved in him/her on the basis of perception.From the age of three, a child learns the world more consciously than in the period from one to two years. More and more often a parent hears phrases from his or her child: "No, I'll do it myself!", "I know!", "Let me do it! That is, a kind of self-affirmation is being formed. Preschooler a person. With his habits, moods, opinions, and behaviors. The transition from primary to older preschool age is characterized by a crisis of personality. Crisis at age 3, which is called "I myself", is an essential attribute of personal growth and development.The following features are characteristic of this preschooler age: a new social situation of development;– role-playing game becomes the leading activity; in the course of play activity preschoolers master new skills and abilities;– important new mental and personal spheres emerge, i.e. thinking develops from visual-actual to figurative;– the "self" of the preschooler is gradually formed;– the intellectual development of the preschooler;– readiness to study in school is formed [1].But what, directly, psychological features of development of children of preschool age stand out? We can distinguish the following: a tendency to imitation. At the age of 3-7 years, the child is constantly trying to imitate those who surround him/her: mom, dad, tutor. The child sees the adult as a person who is wise, clever, knows how to do many things which the child is not yet able to do. That is why he tries to imitate the behavior of the adult, trying to learn something; impulsiveness. The child does not always think about what he or she is doing. All of his or her actions are hasty, and he or she instantly and directly expresses the slightest stirring of displeasure in violent motor actions, in angry words; inability to self-control. The parent and tutor should make a number of efforts to develop self-control in the child. There are a number of techniques and games that can help with this. We must understand that self-control is an integral part of the personality; the predominance of feelings over reason. Most children, because of their age, are very vulnerable and susceptible. From an adult's point of view, the reasons for these upheavals sometimes seem insignificant. However, children are not able to immediately fully comprehend their impressions and evaluate them rationally;– an infinite desire to be independent. We mentioned above that the child tries to imitate adults. This is what makes a child want to be independent. Adults should understand this and play along with the child: there are many games in which the child will try on a role which will help to express his or her independence; active learning new things. This is inherent in all children. Both parent and caregiver should help the child in this: various developmental games, cartoons and movies, books - all this should be shown and played with the child to develop his imagination and intellectual abilities [3].Now we would like to talk in more detail about the activity which promotes correct psychological development of preschool children. Certainly, it is not difficult to guess that play is such activity. By playing, as we have mentioned above, the preschooler learns to try on new roles, he or she forms new hobbies, abilities and skills. It is important to understand that if we want to teach something to a preschooler, then, using the method of play, we can not only develop some quality, but also fix it in the child's consciousness and behavior.If we go deeper into the sources, in the literature the game is considered as:– a special attitude of the individual to the world around him;– a special activity of the child, which changes and unfolds as his subjective activity;– socially assigned to the child and assimilated by him type of activity;– activity, in the course of which there is a development of the child's psyche;– a socio-pedagogical form of organization of a child's lifeIn the 30s of the 20th century P.P. Blonsky argued that play is only a general name for a wide variety of activities of the child, believing that "game in general" does not exist, there is no type of activity which would be suitable for this concept, for the very concept of play is a concept of adults, while everything is serious for the child. And this concept should be banished from psychology [5].From all of the above, we can conclude that the main functions of play will be:– to teach the child to remember and follow the rules;– formation of a holistic picture of the world.By playing, the child forms and develops his or her imagination, which is also important. It should be noted that a child's imagination depends on many factors: age;– mental development and peculiarities of development (the presence of any impairment of psycho-physical development);– individual personality traits (stability, awareness and direction of motives, evaluative structures of the image of "I", communication features, degree of self-realization and evaluation of own activity, traits of character and temperament);– the development of the process of training and education.Thus, we can say that the preschool child has a number of psychological features of development. And in this development he can be helped by a parent and caregiver through various resources: from talking and reading books to play activities. The child must learn about himself or herself and the world, must learn to be independent and develop different aspects of his or her life, and must develop as a person.List of literature:1. Bryazgunov, I. P. The restless child, or All about hyperactive children / I.P. Bryazgunov // Textbook. – M.: Psychotherapy, 2015. – 208 p.2. Winnicott, D.V. Child, family and the outside world / D.V. Winnicott // Textbook. – M.: Institute of General Humanitarian Research, 2015. – 40 p.3. Vygotsky, L. Imagination and creativity in childhood / L. Vygotsky // Textbook. – M.: Studio ARDIS, 2014. - 833 p.4. Leontiev, A.N. Lectures on general psychology / A.N. Leontiev // Textbook. – M.: VLADIS, 2000. – 67 p.5. Naumov, N. D. P. P. Blonsky: basic ideas of the methodology of education and upbringing of personality / N.D. Naumov // Sociology of education. – M.: Logos, 2007. – 159 p.