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Версия издания: электронное сетевое
Автор: Харченко Ольга Андреевна

PERSONALITY MENTAL HEALTH AND THE PROCESS OF SELF-DISCLOSUREKharchenko Olga AndreevnaMaster's student, Belgorod State National Research UniversityRussia, BelgorodNowadays, the problem of mental health is one of the main in the field of the psychology of personality. This problem must be solved by a complex method because it relates not only to individual mental processes and mechanisms, but also to the personality as a whole. Mental health consists of the psychological and social well-being of the individual. A mentally healthy person effectively implements his capabilities, is able to withstand stress and also carries out productive conscious activity, correspondingly contributes to the development of society [1, с. 37]. Everyone knows that self-revelation promotes the mental health of the individual. After all, we all have a need to open ourselves to other people, or at least to one person, to make a proper impression. Personal self-disclosure, understood as a multifaceted process of personality manifestation in communication, is a necessary condition for human existence in society. It is known that self-disclosure performs many important functions for the personality. It strengthens mental health, stimulates personal growth, helps the development of self-awareness. Thus, the study of the patterns of self-disclosure will contribute to the study of the mechanisms of personal growth. Emotions, mindset, memory, temperament, character of a person are the main indicators of mental health. In response to a variety of exogenous and endogenous signals of human organs, we see the appearance of sensory reactions, called emotions, which entail certain changes in the physiological state of the body. If a person is not satisfied or overloaded, negative emotions arise. A positive emotion signals the satisfaction of a need. Often negative emotions are stronger and longer than positive ones [2, с. 174]. The highest cognitive process, thinking, is the production of new knowledge. Thinking always gives an impetus to creative disclosure. A person uses theoretical conceptual thinking in the process of solving a problem, turns to concepts, performs actions in his mind, makes judgments or conclusions, without directly dealing with the experience obtained with the help of the senses. There is theoretical and visual-figurative thinking. Theoretical thinking is used to solve problems in the form of images that are either directly extracted from memory or creatively recreated by the imagination. And visual-figurative thinking consists of the direct connection of the perception of a thinking person with the surrounding reality. Its peculiarity is that the process of thinking itself is a practical transformative activity carried out by a person with real objects. The impressions received by an individual about the surrounding world leave a certain trace, are stored in his memory, and if necessary can be reproduced by it. A person has an arbitrary, logical and mediated memory. The totality of psychodynamic properties of a person is temperament. Temperament can be inherited, but more often it is determined by individual characteristics of mental processes: attention, emotionality, imagination, memory, motor skills [3, с. 320]. It is obvious that the multifaceted process of personal self-disclosure in communication is especially necessary for the favorable existence of a person in society, in the system of social ties and relationships. In the process of self-disclosure, a person shares his personal information of varying degrees of intimacy, so he correlates his ideas with the ideas of others around him. The process of self-disclosure is important both for the subject and for others. According to psychologists, this helps the recipient to determine the communication situation, helps to understand their own expectations and expectations of the communication partner. Psychologists believe that categorical unwillingness to open up leads to isolation from society. Thus, the process of self-disclosure is a complex socio-psychological phenomenon that has significant consequences for each subject of communication [4, с. 201].In addition, self-disclosure of personality in the process of communication has many important functions, for example, strengthening the mental health of the subject. Today, mental health ensures the harmony of personal relationships with the outside world, therefore self-disclosure makes a significant contribution to its maintenance. Any person needs to open up, show his "I" to another individual, this will be a condition for the existence of a full-fledged personality [5, с. 109]. It is absolutely normal that a mentally healthy person strives to be fully recognized by at least one close person. Distress is hiding personal information from a partner. Kaplan believed that abstraction from communication underlies various neurotic and sociopathic states of a person. Kozby's hypothesis states that it is not easy for people with a high level of mental health to open up, disclosure is possible only for a narrow circle of people, and a person with a low level of mental health is too intrusive and strives to open up to everyone. This hypothesis has been confirmed by Derligom. To date, it is known that women have greater mental balance than men. Gender also determines the level of self-disclosure, because women are often characterized by self-disclosure to a greater extent than men. Do not forget that the level of mental health in children and adolescents is more associated with the experience of feelings of loneliness [5, с. 109]. To strengthen mental health, first of all, it is necessary to adjust your nutrition, increase physical and mental activity, devote time to sports, it is also worth abstracting from stressful factors, overcome your addictions, for example, smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages. It has been proven that both direct and indirect self-disclosure has a positive effect on the health of the individual. Indirect means include keeping a personal diary, or pages on a social network, but with explicit texts from personal life. The recipient here is the subject of self-disclosure, his own "I". Thus, the available psychological research tells us that there is a rather complex relationship between the process of self-disclosure and human mental health. Mental health itself is the most important part of the overall health of the individual, since all elements of the body are interconnected and are under constant control of the nervous system. Consequently, the state of the human psyche affects the activity of all body systems, and their state, in turn, affects the human psyche.List of literature
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