Всероссийский сборник статей и публикаций института развития образования, повышения квалификации и переподготовки.

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Язык издания: русский
Периодичность: ежедневно
Вид издания: сборник
Версия издания: электронное сетевое
Автор: Ярош Анна Евгеньевна

ORGANIZATION OF INNOVATIVE ACTIVITIES IN MODERN SCHOOL: FROM THEORY TO PRACTICEAuthor,Supervisor Yarosh Anna Evgenievna - 1st year student 44.04.01 "Pedagogical education" master's program "Management and innovations in education" Tyumen State University, TyumenBoyarkina Julia Anatolyevna - Ph.D. associate professor, acting Head of the Department of General and Social Pedagogy, Tyumen State University;Abstract. The article discusses the regulatory and legal framework for organizing innovative activities in a modern school. Attention is paid to the definition of innovation activities in legislation and in the scientific literature, and the main types of innovation are considered. The work analyzed the results of our sociological survey among the pedagogical team of the general education school on the introduction of innovations by teachers in pedagogical practice, identified the main trends and problems. Recommendations have been proposed to increase the frequency of innovation in practice in a modern school.Key words: innovation, innovation activity, educational organization, pedagogical innovation.The pace of development of society and the state is only increasing every year, as a result of which new requirements are imposed on education. The modernization of education is also associated with the rapid development of information and communication technologies, which are constantly used by teachers in their activities. In a modern school, innovative activity has already become a significant element of learning, but is not yet widespread. Let us consider how innovative activity in pedagogy is determined in modern Russian legislation.According to the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation," adopted in 2012, innovative and experimental activities are called an integral part of school education. The goal of using innovative activities is to modernize and improve the education system in accordance with the existing and changing socio-economic needs of our country. The law specifies that innovative activity can be aimed at transforming any components of the education system - from scientific, pedagogical and educational, methodological to material, technical and personnel [7, Article 20]. However, the Federal Law "On Education" did not formulate the very definition of innovative activity.The national project "Education," the implementation of which is limited to 2019-2024, also speaks of the importance of innovations in pedagogy. In particular, it is noted that universities should become "centers of the space for creating innovations," that is, the state pays attention to improving the qualifications of teachers. Separately, innovative advanced training programs for teachers on technology are noted, the subject area of ​ ​ which is constantly developing. The national project aims to introduce technological innovations into the education system [2], which will increase the availability of education for students with special needs.The FSES of the main general education of the third generation, adopted on May 31, 2021, also does not stipulate the concept of innovation. However, the concept of an innovative platform in relation to an educational institution is used in the GEF [3]. According to the Federal Law "On Education," an innovative platform is such an educational organization that uses innovative projects and programs in its activities [7, Article 20]. According to the law, innovative activities should be promoted by leading educational institutions at the regional and federal levels.The definition of innovative activity is given by many domestic and foreign teachers. Innovation is based on the concept of "innovation." The term "innovation" comes from the Latin word "innovatis," which translates as innovation, that is, the creation of something new [2, p. 8].I.V. Plaksina and A.V. Zobkov offer an integrated approach to understanding innovative activities in pedagogy, which we share. First, pedagogical innovations are understood as "innovations that improve the characteristics of individual parts, components of the educational system itself as a whole" [6, p. 24]. Innovation represents such changes that positively affect the development of education.Secondly, innovation activity is interpreted as "the process of mastering an innovation ˗ a new means or method, a new methodology, technology or training program" [6, p. 24]. In pedagogy, innovative activity involves the use of theoretical constructs in practice. Thirdly, innovations mean "the search for ideal methods and programs, their introduction into the educational process and a creative approach to rethinking them" [6, p. 24]. Innovation in pedagogy requires a creative component, since all new methods need to be adapted to the needs and features of each class. Thanks to innovative activities, new methods and technologies are brought to pedagogy.In modern Russian pedagogy, two types of innovations are distinguished: 1) innovation-modernization, which do not make significant changes to the traditional educational process and are distinguished by one-dimensional and manufacturability; 2) innovations-transformations, which are aimed at transforming the usual educational process and imply the participation of students in research activities [2, p. 24]. As part of the pedagogical process, a teacher can combine two types of innovations, although it is better to start using innovations from the first type.The Basic General Education FSES sets requirements for the education system, some of which we can attribute to innovative activities. In particular, for the implementation of educational programs, teachers should turn to the use of modern educational technologies in the process of education and upbringing. In addition, the FSES stipulates the involvement of modern ICT and distance learning technologies in the learning process [3].The FSES LLC also constantly emphasizes that educational programs must meet the needs and values ​ ​ of modern Russian society. Education programs in different subjects must necessarily reflect modern knowledge on the topic [3]. In modern Russian legislation, innovative activity is not precisely defined and its boundaries are not specified, which impedes the implementation of innovations in practice at school.We conducted a social survey among the teachers of MAOU gymnasium No. 4 of the city of Tyumen, within the framework of which 20 people were interviewed. The survey involved primary and secondary school teachers, namely teachers of English, mathematics, Russian, history and some other subjects.The majority of respondents (80%) noted that they have a steady interest in innovations in pedagogy. For only 5% of respondents, innovative activity seems unattractive. Educators really see innovation as an opportunity to improve the learning process. 70% of respondents agreed that innovative activities contribute to increasing interest in learning in children. In addition, teachers see innovation as an opportunity for self-realization: 50% of respondents agreed that innovative activity is interesting in essence and innovation helps to realize their experience.45% of respondents also noted that the use of innovation contributes to the growth of self-esteem, and 40% - that the authority in the pedagogical team increases. Innovative activity in pedagogical circles is clearly assessed positively and is considered as an expression of the teacher's skill.We come to the conclusion that most modern teachers express their readiness to organize innovative activities at school, understand its need and can explain its goals. At the same time, in practice, only a few of the teachers constantly turn to innovative activities in the learning process.More than 50% of respondents used innovations in their pedagogical practice only 2-5 times per school year, and 35% of respondents said that they introduce innovations constantly or repeatedly. Note that the Russian legislation does not stipulate the frequency of use of innovations, but pedagogical innovations are considered as an integral part of school education.According to the results of the social survey, we identified the main problems of introducing innovative activities into pedagogical practice. In the first place is the lack of free time, with which 85% of respondents agreed. Another problem is the lack of information support for innovative activities and the necessary skills of teachers. So 45% of respondents noted a lack of information about new methods and a weak connection between science and practice.The use of innovative activities in the pedagogical practice of teachers is stopped by fear of failure (65% of respondents), difficulty in implementation (30% of respondents), lack of confidence in the practical benefits of innovation (30% of respondents). Not all teachers are ready to take responsibility for the implementation of innovative methods in practice.An analysis of the theory and practice of organizing innovative activities in a modern school showed the need for further work in this direction. In particular, it is necessary to make changes to the GEF, which would stipulate the concept and boundaries of innovative activities in pedagogy.Yu.P. Prokudin, A.V. Koroleva and other modern teachers suggest that in order to intensify the innovative activities of teachers, it is important to organize measures to improve the qualifications of teachers [4, p. 145]. As part of advanced training, teachers will get acquainted with the metals of innovative activities and the conditions for their application in practice. I.V. Sidorova, in turn, proposes to organize consultations with psychologists and methodologists to help teachers [5, p. 6], which can help cope with psychological difficulties in the process of introducing innovations.We would also like to mention the need to create special conditions in the pedagogical team to introduce innovations. I.V. Plaksina and other teachers believe that innovative activities are organized only in the "specially organized cultural culture environment of the school" [6, p. 256]. Finally, innovation is possible only within the framework of the concept of continuing education of teachers, which implies constant training and self-study.Thus, according to the Federal Law "On Education," innovative activity is an important part of the modern education system. The GEF stipulates only certain aspects of the use of modern educational technologies, but there is no specification. By innovation, we mean the design and application of new methods, technologies, means and programs of education training that contribute to the modernization of the education system. Modern educators recognize the need to use innovations in their practice, but often do not have enough time and knowledge or are simply afraid of their application in practice. To develop innovative activities in education, we offer the following recommendations: improving legislation, developing new advanced training courses, creating special conditions in the pedagogical team.References:
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