Публикации Фразовый глагол to hand,8 класс углубленное изучение

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Язык издания: русский
Периодичность: ежедневно
Вид издания: сборник
Версия издания: электронное сетевое
Публикация: Фразовый глагол to hand,8 класс углубленное изучение
Автор: Хан Светлана Иосифовна

FORM VIII UNIT I (Phrasal Verb to hand)Variant IComplete the sentences with the right preposition: down, in, out, over.1.Certain customs are handed … from the older generation to the younger one.2.I have a job handing … advertisements (реклама) for a department store.3.The teacher told the children to hand … their exercise books.4.The teacher handed … books to all the children..5.They handed the thief … to the police.6.We know you have the jewels, so hand them … .7.The king handed … his authority to the parliament.8.When can you hand … your diploma papers?9.The gold chain has been handed … in the family since the 18th century.10.When can you hand … your article to the editor?11.’’Hand … the knife!’’ shouted the policeman.12.The skill of making violins was handed … in the family for two hundred years.Variant IIComplete the sentences with the right preposition: down, in, out, over.1.The legend has been handed … from generation to generation in our family.2.Don’t play with my watch,hand it … to me.3.Let’s hand … the maps to all the members of the expedition.4.Where did you get this ring from?-It has been handed … in my family from mother to daughter.5.The thief was handed … to the police.6.Please hand … your tests at the end of the examination.7.Tomorrow the Queen will be handing … present in the children’s hospital.8.Don’t hand … your compositions,I’ll collect them tomorrow.9.Finally she had to hand the farm … to the new owners.10.The teacher handed … coloured pencils to the class.11.The fortress was handed … to the enemy.12.A lot of people hand … sums of money to hospitals and health centres.Variant IIIComplete the sentences with the right preposition: down, in, out, over.1.That ring was handed … from my mother.2.Hand your papers … at the end of the exam.3.Could you start handing these books …?4.Don’t play with my watch, hand it … to me.5.This bracelet has been handed … in our family for two hundred years.6.’’It’s time to hand … your works,’’ said the teacher.7.Would you like to hand … the paper plates to all the picnickers?8.Could you hand … that book ? I can’t reach it.9.This rare book has been handed … in my family for many years.10.Now, I shall hand … the tickets to everyone present.11.Be sure to hand … your key at the desk when you leave the hotel.12.If you don’t hand the money … , I’ll shoot.KEYS (phrasal verb ‘to hand’)Variant I Variant III1.down 1.down2.out 2.in3.in 3.out4.out 4.over5.over 5.down6.over 6.in7.over 7.out8.in 8.over9.down 9.down10.in 10.out11.over 11.in12.down 12.overVariant II1.down2.over3.out4.down5.over6.in7.out8.in9.over10.out11.over12.over