Всероссийский сборник статей и публикаций института развития образования, повышения квалификации и переподготовки.

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Язык издания: русский
Периодичность: ежедневно
Вид издания: сборник
Версия издания: электронное сетевое
Автор: Шавкатова Малика Ойбековна

REVIEW OF SPEECH RESEARCH FROM THE POSITION OF LINGUODIDACTICSStudent:Shavkatova Malika Oybekovnamalikasavkatova702@gmail.comFaculty of English philology and teaching, Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.Scientific Supervisor: Ziyadullayeva Aziza Akmalovna aziziyodullayeva@mail.ruESL Teacher and Lecturer of Uzbekistan State World Languages University at Faculty of English philology and teaching, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.Abstract:The article presents an analysis of current, extensive research on sounding speech, including children's sounding speech, business phone conversations, disruptions in speech rhythm, and poetic Russian texts in the context of linguodidactic issues. It also discusses the features of an intercultural approach to teaching foreign languages.Key words: emotional nature of speech; universal and nationally distinctive qualities; speech rhythm; corporate style speeches; children's sounding speech; poetic text.Key words:childlike speech, speech patterns, speeches delivered in a professional setting, poetry, the emotive quality of speech, universal and features unique to a countryThe Russian Federation's current educational policy highlights trends in the diversified development of students in secondary and tertiary education settings, as well as the study of foreign languages, while accounting for the unique features of cross-cultural communication.In order to apply the findings in the process of teaching a foreign language, this article reviews the study on speech sounds. Researchers found that children's rhythmically organized speech with stuttering, phone calls in both Russian and Spanish, and melodic literature written by Russian and Spanish authors were the subjects of their study.Few studies have been conducted to examine the psycholinguistic aspects of speech sounds, which has led to the consideration of topics such as speech rhythm, speech melody, and the defining of rhythmic units in works. According to renowned spoken speech researcher Professor L.V. Velichkova of Voronezh State University, "speech rhythm as the universal phenomenon of sounding speech affects the process of organizing linguistic material in speech and the mechanisms of speech production, i.e. linguistic and psycholinguistic processes."A psycholinguistic strategy is necessary for organizing the process of creating fake bilingualism during the foreign language instruction process. This is because of the current circumstances, which are marked by the following characteristics: - the increasing importance of teaching foreign languages at a young age; - a lack of information regarding the process of early natural bilingualism development; - the fragmentation of various theoretical stances in the theory of speech activity, as expressed in the writings of well-known domestic psycholinguists.When teaching foreign languages to preschoolers, traditional methods are used since there is a lack of psycholinguistic comprehension of the process under examination. children tend to be younger trainees for contemporary techniques of approach. The emotive character of this process is one of the fundamental indicators of the development of a non-native language system. Early in a child's development, during the "pre-verbal period of speech ontogenesis," the system of emotional and expressive methods of native speech develops.During the early phases of speech ontogenesis, the parameters of sound speech are determined by national peculiarities. An experimental attempt was undertaken to identify the characteristics of children's sounding speech in two unrelated languages that are both nationally and universally specific: Both Spanish and Russian It was feasible to trace how rhythmic-intonation parameters depended on the types of stated emotional states (interest, joy, grief/suffering, fear) thanks to the experimental study.On the other hand, studying children's speech from a psycholinguistic perspective reflects an effort to define the bounds of emotionally charged, childlike speech. Models of early learning in the Russian and Spanish languages can be built using the findings of studies on children's sounding speech.The issue of stuttering and how to correct it is now being researched from a number of angles. The process of stuttering is examined from a variety of angles, including clinical, physiological, neurophysiological, psychological, and psycholinguistic viewpoints.From the perspective of phonetic theory, the study of stuttering is a phenomenon of great interest. The relationships between the complexes in this phenomena are best seen in the articulatory movements that combine to produce distinct sounds within speech rhythmic boundaries. These scientific fields examine speech rhythm as a physiological, psycholinguistic, and phonetic phenomenon. Researchers studying speech impairments are looking into how rhythm affects speaking.Applying Methods The integration of a novel speech program is guaranteed by the rhythmization of speech activities based on spoken and nonspoken cues. Exercises based on gestural aspects for speech rhythm disruptions that require the practical application of rhythmic patterns.The results, which outline the circumstances for the development of artificial bilingualism in linguistics, must be applied to resolve problems with how to organize the teaching of a non-native language.The growth of contacts, business phone calls, and international relations are all connected to the importance of studying spoken speech. The most challenging, troublesome, and understudied field is phone conversations and learning technologies. his future experts.The complicated phenomena of business speech style is made up of various genres with varying levels of formality in their discourse. Complex speech is the category of business style. Within spoken language, dominant natural dialogue is a type of spoken communication.Since every functional style has its own set of rhythmic parameters, one of the most crucial factors to consider while evaluating the parameters of sounding speech is the rhythmic parameters' characteristics. The goal of optimizing phone calls between a professional speaker of Spanish and a native speaker of Russian should be to determine the boundaries of staccato speech and apply individual syllables and rhythmic groupings with competence.It is essential to plan and carry out business conversation training, in addition to using a series of exercises to improve phonostylistic abilities in business Spanish.Poetic writing is also the focus of spoken speech analysis. Just now is the structural analysis of the acoustic poetry text beginning to take shape. We may conclude from a study of the parameters of the acoustic poetry written by Spanish and Russian authors that the use of feminine rhyme is a common feature of both languages' poetic writing.Both Spanish and Russian versification emphasize accent on the penultimate syllable more frequently than spontaneous conversation speech, and both languages' poetry writings have a slower tempo.Poetic texts have the following characteristics that are unique to a country: There is only one instance of dactylic rhyme in Russian poetry writings; in Russian The syllabic-tonic system of versification was developed in poetry; Spanish poetry falls under this category; While Spanish versification is typified by the employment of two to five meters within a single poetic text, popular meter in Russian poetic texts when expressing the feeling "sadness" is iambic In Russian speaking, pauses at the peaks of poetry can last up to two seconds, whereas in Spanish writings, pauses almost never emphasize emotional periods.The study's findings can be used to Spanish instruction at the advanced study level.Therefore, one of the duties of preparing a foreign language teacher should be the examination of studies on sounding speech and the generalization of their findings in the context of resolving linguodidactic issues.Literature:1. Velichkova L.V. Contrastive-phonological analysis and trainingforeign language pronunciation: teaching intonation and articulation.2. Vinarskaya E.N. Expressive means of text (based on Russian poetry) / E.N. Vinarskaya. – M.: Higher. school, 1989. – 136 p.