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Версия издания: электронное сетевое
Автор: Киктенко Дарина Александровна

THE ROLE OF MUSICAL EDUCATION IN THE VERSATILE DEVELOPMENT OF A CHILD'S PERSONALITYКиктенко Д.А. студентка НИУБелГУ, г.Белгород Abstract: the article examines the comprehensive and harmonious development of personality through musical education. For modern society, it is important to solve this problem. Introducing children to the art of music educates a spiritual, moral, creative personality. Music is considered as a means of aesthetic, physical and mental education of children. The tasks are listed, taking into account age characteristics and methods of musical education and upbringing. The purpose of the study is to determine the influence of musical education on the harmonious development of personality.Keywords: music, upbringing, education, study, education, development, child, children, personality, vocal, musical abilities, interest and love for music, feelings, morality, skills.Music, as an art form, gives a person the opportunity to explore the world, develop through perception, acquire certain knowledge, skills, musical thinking and imagination. In a broad sense, music education is the formation of spiritual and moral values of a person, the development of musical abilities, emotional response and aesthetic assessment of life phenomena. In a narrower sense, it is the development of the ability to perceive music [3].According to V.A. Sukhomlinsky, "Musical education is not the education of a musician, but above all the education of a Person, the education of a kind mind and heart." Teachers Ya.A. Komensky and I. Pestalozzi also wrote about the importance of musical education, and K.D. Ushinsky emphasizes the importance of teaching children to sing. Musical education is also considered inseparable from the general task of moral education. D. B. Kabalevsky wrote: "The main task of mass musical education is not only the study of music in itself, but also the impact through music on the entire spiritual world of students, on their morality."Musical education is a complex complex process that is carried out together with musical education and development. The tasks are set, which are determined by the goals of the versatile development and aesthetic education of the individual. These goals are: introduction to the musical art, education of love and interest in music, development of aesthetic perception and emotional responsiveness to musical works, development of musical abilities, formation of musical taste and artistic and creative abilities. Also, musical education promotes the development of thinking abilities and imaginative thinking[5].It is music that has specific capabilities and effects on the full development of a child. One of the most important types of musical activity is singing. It affects the physiological processes of the body: respiration, gas exchange, heart rate, blood pressure, blood circulation and others. Mental processes and personality traits are developing, such as: thinking, imagination, attention, memory, etc., horizons are expanding, speech becomes more literate[6]. In the process of learning to sing, musical hearing, vocal skills, emotionality in performance, cognitive activity are developed.Introducing a child to music develops in him a sense of beauty and harmony. In systematic classes, children listen to music, memorize, and learn to recognize works. Through musical images, it turns out to know the beautiful in the surrounding reality. Music is perceived emotionally and plays an important role in the development of a child's feelings. The emotional responsiveness of a child, the experience of feelings expressed in a musical work is the way to form his morality [8].The method of musical education is defined as the actions of a teacher aimed at the musical and aesthetic development of a child. They are based on positive interaction between adults and children. The methods focus on fostering a love of music, emotional perception of music, evaluative attitude and expressive performance of works. Thus, musical education and development is a way of shaping children's musical abilities.The task of a music teacher is to introduce children to the world of music and art. It is necessary to take into account all types of musical activities, such as listening, singing, musical and rhythmic movements, playing instruments and familiarity with musical notation [7].Singing is an effective means of developing children's aesthetic sense, as well as their imagination, makes the greatest contribution to the development of their musical abilities (singing voice, sense of rhythm and musical memory), promotes and enhances their singing development, interest in music and promotes interest in music and strengthens emotional and vocal culture. By practicing vocals and performing articulation exercises, you can correct speech defects: slurred pronunciation, swallowing words or endings [1]. Music evokes positive emotions in children, which affect their nervous system, communicative, emotional and mental development. Coordination of voice and hearing is developed, the voice apparatus is strengthened. In the process of acquiring new knowledge, children actively develop their thinking, perception, memory and imagination. The close connection between music and the surrounding reality gives children the opportunity to develop the ability to compare and contrast phenomena. This contributes to the development of their cognitive interests [2].Musical education is the most important organizational pedagogical process that forms moral ideals, musical culture of a person, which includes the ability to understand musical directions, styles and genres, music theory, musical taste and emotional responsiveness [3]. Musical education is necessary not only for each individual, but also for society as a whole. With the help of music, aesthetic and moral education takes place, a person's understanding of beauty and the formation of his spirituality.Music has an impact on the upbringing and development of children. Goethe wrote: "The greatness of art is perhaps most clearly manifested in music." Music lessons develop all types of perception: visual, auditory and sensory, and all types of memory: figurative, associative, auditory, visual and motor [4]. Also, it teaches you to perform everyday tasks, cultivates willpower, perseverance and patience, improves emotions and allows the child to take a special look at the world around him. The more active the child's communication with music, the more musical he becomes, showing more and more interest and desire to practice music.List of used literature1. Apraksina O.A. Modern child and music. / Musical education at school. M.: "Pedagogy", 1985.2. Barenboim, L. A. Musical pedagogy and performance: a textbook / L. A. Barenboim. — 3rd ed., ster. — St. Petersburg: Planet of Music, 2018. — 340 p. — ISBN 978-5-8114-2349-1. — Text: electronic // Lan: electronic library system. — URL: (date of application: 03/23/2023).3. Vetlugina N.A. Musical development of the child. - M.: "Enlightenment", 1968.4. Goncharova O.V. 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