Публикации «Little children of the great war»

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Язык издания: русский
Периодичность: ежедневно
Вид издания: сборник
Версия издания: электронное сетевое
Публикация: «Little children of the great war»
Автор: Ольга Викторовна Клюшкина

Литературно-музыкальная композиция«Little children of the great war» (Маленькие дети, большой войны)Characters: Presenter 1, Presenter 2, Host , Zhenya, Alexey, Lieutenant, Lieutenant, Vanya Solntsev,Presenter 1- Grown and strong men start the war! And everyone pays: women, old people and children...Presenter 2- Boys and Girls. Their childhood was very difficult.Presenter 1- But it was. It happened in the history of our great country.Presenter 2 - At the age of ten to thirteen, the children stood at the machines at military factories, helped in hospitals to care for the wounded. By this, the children also brought our Victory closer.Scene 1Zhenya: The shift is over. I am very tired. Today we were released early, which means we'll get more sleep. (трогает чайник) It's hot.Alexey: Pour me some boiling water, let’s drink it and I’ll go homeZhenya : Ok, you may stay with me. Mom will not come back from her factory shift until midnight, and the road to the factory is shorter from us.Alexey: Okay, and you, Zhenya, is great. Became a real mechanic!!!Zhenya: Lyoshka, don’t be jealous. And you will be one. Imagine, tomorrow we will get real military clothes!Alexey: That's great! We will immediately feel like real adults.Zhenya: Of course, but I’ll still ask to go to the front...Alexey - Okay, soldier, let's go to bed. (hugs him and leaves)Host: War has a childish face!But death looked into the eyes of the children...She did not spare the little fighters,They had to grow up before their time. Scene 2 “Vanya SolntsevLieutenant: Comrade captain, what should we do with the boy?Captain: Which boy? Where is he located?Lieutenant: The boy is with me, with my scouts!Captain: What does he say?Lieutenant: Father died at the front. The village was occupied by the Germans. The mother did not want to give up the cow, they killed her. Grandma and little sister died of hunger. One left. Then the village was burned down. He wanted to cross the front but the front was far away.Captain: How old is he?Lieutenant: Says 12. Wonderful boy. Smart, very smart.Captain: What's his name?Lieutenant: Vanya. And the last name is so appropriate: Vanya Solntsev.Captain: Well, we'll have to send him to the rear.Lieutenant: He says, if we send him to the rear, he will still run to the front.Captain: Did he say so?Lieutenant: Yes, he said so.Captain: Well, we'll see about that later.Scene 3Vanya (having eaten porridge, bows to the scouts). Thanks a lot.Bidenko. Maybe you want more?Vanya. No, thanks, I'm full. I don't want anymore.Bidenko. As you want!Vanya. And, uncle, will you take me on a reconnaissance mission?Bidenko. We will! And we will make you a famous intelligence officer!Vanya (perking up). I'm little, uncle! I can climb everywhere! I know every bush around here!Presenter: This is how Vanya Solntsev’s front-line life began and he truly became an excellent intelligence officer.Vanya (talking to the audience)It’s great that they left me in the regiment! I am now a real scout! For the Germans, I am a shepherd, but I walk ahead of the adults, scout the road, and warn of danger. Now I’ll just bring in the new bridge that the Krauts put in the reeds, and I’ll start giving signs to our people to come over... (Vanya goes behind the curtain) Host: Vanya Solntsev has experienced a lot. He was captured but held on heroically. Presenter 1: Vanya Solntsev was lucky: he was freed by intelligence officers, he stayed alive and entered the Suvorov Military School.Presenter 2: But many guys were unlucky, they died the death of the brave. Eternal memory to the heroes!All participants go on stage and sing the song “BROWN-SKINNED GIRLCМУГЛЯНКА(BROWN-SKINNED GIRL)Once I came into the gardenWhere the girl was taking grapesShe glanced merrily and suddenSo I lost my words for daysI got blushed when she said nothingI was silent for a while…Then I said with laughingLet us walk by half-a-mile!RefrainCurly maple!curly maple,slender treeI am modest, I’m embarrassed,don’t you see?Curly maple, hey,green leaf mapleI fall in love , please,help me!So,this beautiful young gypsiMy moldovian went awayIwas standing, disappointedAs she left me anyway!I reminded my sweet gypsi ,pretty face and merry sight…Once I met my beauty in the Army!After fight!