Публикации Урок английского языка

Всероссийский сборник статей и публикаций института развития образования, повышения квалификации и переподготовки.

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Язык издания: русский
Периодичность: ежедневно
Вид издания: сборник
Версия издания: электронное сетевое
Публикация: Урок английского языка
Автор: Шлапак Ирина Анатольевна

Date: Thursday ,the eleventh of December
Ход урока
Ι Подготовка к восприятию иноязычной деятельности
1Сообщение темы и цели урока
My name is Irina Anat.I am your new teacher of English for this lesson.
Aim So the topic of today's lesson is The art of shopping. Today at the lesson we shall . revise the material about shopping and you will learn how to behave when doing . . shopping, we shall revise our grammar. Besides , you will hear a story about a woman, and at the end of the lesson we shall play a little if we have time.
So let us begin our lesson.
2 Введение в иноязычную атмосферу (Оргмомент фонетическая зарядка)
Warm-up T -Good morning ,boys and girls. Sit down, please. So today at the lesson we shall . . have guests, so let us turn to them and greet them.
P - Hello.
T So -Who is on duty today?
P ..am on duty today.
T Who is absent.?
P is absent.
T Thanks. Sit down, please So you know that there are very many proverbs about . ,. shopping .There are Cut your coat according to your cloth. Cut your coat to suit
your cloth, You cant tell a book by its cover and others.
Don't you know them? You don't. So let us try to find the Russian equivalent . Cut your coat according to your cloth- По одежке протягивай и ножки.
Cut your coat to suit your cloth- по Сеньке и шапка
You can’t tell a book by its cover- По одёжке встречают, по уму провожают
Good , and now repeat it after me all in chorus.
Good . Write down them into your dictionaries Try to remember them and use in
suitable situations
ΙΙ Основная часть урока
1 Предьявление текста для аудирования.
Listening So shopping is the most interesting thing .Sometimes different situations have
. h h happened. . , which are very funny. Let us listen to one of them
Here is the picture on this text. Look at the blackboard and try to understand the

Listen to the story once again, and then be ready to do some exercises on it.
Well i'll give you 2 minutes to do the. cards, and then we shall check them.. . .
Put + if you agree.
Put if you disagree
And after that we'll understand whether you have understood the text or not.
The cards
Put + if you agree.
Put if you disagree
1 One day Mrs.Jones went shopping +
2 She began to tell her husband about the beautiful dress +
3 It costs 20 pounds -
4 Mrs.Jones spoke about this dress the whole year -
5 Mr. Jones gave his wife the money.+
6 Mrs.Jones bought the dress.-
So time is up. Thanks and now let us check your variants.
Read your variant .Is it correct or not?
Good. And now let us try to play it.
P1 One of you will be the husband
. P2 The other-the wife
P3 And one of you will be the author.
Divide into three. I'll give you 5 minutes. Time is up. Let us listen to your
stories. And think who will play the best. Good. So the best group is…
You are clever children. Take your prizes.
Контроль домашнего задания ( чтение)
Check And now not to find ourselves in such situations let us look at different kinds of . . . . . on shops in your books. Let us check your h/w. Open your books at page82 ex17.
Homework Try to find my phrases or sentences in the text and say them in Russian.
Carry all kinds of food- продавать все виды продуктов
Canned meat-консервированное мясо
Dish cloths-губки
Department store-универмаг
Household linen-льняное белье
Glassware-стеклянная посуда
Silverware-серебряные изделия
Drug store-аптека
Супермаркеты это преимущественно продуктовые отделы, которые продают . продуктовые товары….
Универмаги продают товары для мужчин.
And now I want to know how do you work at home with your text and do
you remember all the kinds of shops and what is sold there in them.
Close your books and look at the blackboard
Here are the shops ,try to find to which shops the following goods are suited
Please come one by one to my table and take the words and put them to the right shop.
P1 Is it correct? Yes or no? Thanks.
P2 Is it correct? Yes or no? Thanks.
1Supermarket (canned meat, pots and pans for cooking, dish cloths, paper napkins, . . . . blankets)
2Department store(clothing for men, household linens, glassware, silverware)
3Drug store(medical drugs, cosmetics, candy, magazines)
. 4Small Independent store(dress, shoe, grocery)
Well it was good done
3 Тренировка учащихся в диалогической речи
Speaking And now imagine that you go to the shop to buy something .And find that you buy Practice at the shop the thing which is not of your size
Well let us see what can happen in such a situation. Listen to the tape .
And now try to make your own one. Open you books at Ex 31 page87
4 Ознакомление с таблицей размеров
Introduction So one of you is a customer and the other is a shop-assistant .I will give you 3 of new minutes .But before we start, do you know your size. You don't. So let us open
your books at page 87 ex31bNow look at the table. Chose your size and act
the dialogue.

Well it was good done .
5 Повторение грамматических структур
Grammar And now do you know that in our country is crisis. So now say what will you do if
you have 20.000? Such a lucky chance.
As for me
If I have 20.000 ,i'll buy the new car. What about you?
Ask each other in chain.
And now where do you go if you need the meat ?
Ask each other in chain
if you need the buttons
if you need the raincoat
6 Практикование учащихся в написании .
Writing And now open your c- books .Write down the date and fill
the missing remarks about the department store number,3 and 2 Ex 26 page86 I'll give
you 3 minutes .
Well .Have you finished? I will take some of your c- books.
ΙΙΙ Заключительная часть
1 Домашнее задание
Home Now open your diaries. Write down your h.w. Your h/w for the next lesson will be ex26
page 86 number1,4,5,6 all the others we did Work at the lesson. Open your
books at page 86 ex26.Let us look at it. Do you have ?
2 Подведение итогов
Summarizing I want to say that today at the lesson we revised the material about
. shopping , revise your grammar and I am glad that you have worked good You . marks for the lesson
And now we have some minutes so let us learn who is the cleverest in the group.
There are different categories.
Vocabulary (1-15)
Literature (1-15)
Geography (1-15)
Each right answer-1 point
One by one.
Well There will be three captains, all the other will be the supporting group. And if your captain will not answer the ? you will help him ,but he will have only-O,5. So good luck to all of you.
Well to be sure that you have coped with the topic, let us do the cards . 
open your books at page 84 ex24 complete the sentences. One by one.

Ход урока
Ι Подготовка к восприятию иноязычной деятельности
1Сообщение темы и цели урока
Aim So the topic of today's lesson is The art of shopping. Today at the lesson we shall . revise the material about shopping and you will learn how to behave when doing . . shopping, we shall revise our grammar. We shall train our writing.
So let us begin our lesson.
2 Введение в иноязычную атмосферу (Оргмомент фонетическая зарядка)
Warm-up T -Good morning ,boys and girls. Sit down, please.
T So -Who is on duty today?
P ..am on duty today.
T Who is absent.?
P …is absent.
T Thanks. Sit down, please So you know that there are different kinds of shops, in which can happen different situations. Let us read them and translate.
ΙΙ Основная часть урока
Контроль домашнего задания ( чтение)
on Homework
P1,P2 Let us read and translate ex26 page86. It was good .
and now imagine that you will go to the shop. What will you say if you want to know the
price of the cake.
Grammar 4 Повторение грамматических структур Ex27 page 86
T - Ask each other in chain.
T-It was well done.
5 Тренировка учащихся в диалогической речи
And now imagine that one of you is going to arrange a party and asks another one to help. You are having a round table discussion. Make up a dialogue. Open your books at page86 ex28
Практикование учащихся в написании .
T- Thanks. It was perfect. And now you know that it is very difficult to write stories. Open your books at page 87 . Read the following . And try to do your best as writers. Let us write down the ending of this story.P1
T please give me your c/b. I will check them.
ΙΙΙ Заключительная часть
1 Домашнее задание
Home Now open your diaries. Write down your h.w. Your h/w for the next lesson will be ex29
page 87 Open your books at page 87 ex29.Let us look at it. At home you will make
up some short dialogues about service workers. Do you have ?
2 Подведение итогов
Summarizing I want to say that today at the lesson we revised the material about
. shopping , revise your grammar and I am glad that you have worked good . Your . marks for the lesson are…
Ход урока
Ι Подготовка к восприятию иноязычной деятельности
1Сообщение темы и цели урока
Aim So the topic of today's lesson is The art of shopping. Today at the lesson we shall . read the new material about shopping and you will describe your last visit to the
department store, you will learn new words, you will speak about
. shopping. You will listen to a short story, about the woman.
So let us begin our lesson.
2 Введение в иноязычную атмосферу (Оргмомент фонетическая зарядка)
Warm-up T -Good morning ,boys and girls. Sit down, please
T So -Who is on duty today?
P ..am on duty today.
T Who is absent.?
P …is absent.ΙΙ Основная часть урока
3 Listening
T- You know that tastes are differ. Let us listen to the story about the shopping tastes. Try to understand it.
Listen to the story once again, and then be ready to do some exercises on it.
Well i'll give you 2 minutes to do the. cards, and then we shall check them.. . .
Put + if you agree.
Put – if you disagree
And after that we'll understand whether you have understood the text or not.
The cards
4 Практикование учащихся в чтении
T- Well , it was good and now you know that there are very many kinds of shops.
Let us read about one of them and try to understand all the unknown words. Open
your books at page79 ex13 .
And all the new words write down into your vocabulary.
5 Практикование учащихся в написании
T- Thanks. And now imagine that you need the ready- made clothes, where do you go?
6 Speaking
Describe your last visit to the department store. Ex 13 page 79.
I will give you 5 minutes to prepare.
ΙΙΙ Заключительная часть
1 Домашнее задание
T- it was good and now open your your diaries. Write down your h.w. Your h/w for
the next lesson will be to learn all the words , you have written at the lesson.
Do you have ?
2 Подведение итогов
Summarizing I want to say that today at the lesson we learn the new material about
. shopping , train your speech and writing, and I am glad that you have worked
good Your marks for the lesson are…