Публикации Конспект урока по английскому языку "Читаем классику"

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Язык издания: русский
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Публикация: Конспект урока по английскому языку "Читаем классику"
Автор: МеньшоваТатьяна Леонтьевна

Конспект урока по английскому языку "Читаем классику"Целью урока является развитие навыков детального чтения, введение новой лексики, развитие умений работать самостоятельно и в паре. Описание разработкиЦели урока: Развитие навыков детального чтения, введение новой лексики, развитие умений работать самостоятельно и в паре.Ход урока1. Организационный момент.Look at the photo at the board? Do you know this man? Yes, you are quite right. This is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Today we shall read the extract from his novel “The Lost World.” What do you think the extract is about?P.: I think the extract is about a place where prehistoric animals still exist.Let’s check up your guesses and read the biography of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. (p. 70 ex. 1.)2. Фонетическая разминка.Look at the board. We shall need these words during our lesson. Let’s practice their pronunciation.triumphantlyс триумфомuprighttrackследswampболотоclearingочисткаslate-colouredсиневато-серыйscaleчешуяbroadширокийsightполе зренияclumsyнеуклюжийhopпрыгатьthudглухой стукbunchсвязка, охапкаshimmerмерцать, переливатьсяtrunkстволcomradeтоварищ, компаньонfake – мошенник, обманщикspecimen – образецpraise – хвалить, прославлять3. Основной этап урока.We shall read the extract and match the sentences A-G from ex. 2 a on p. 70 to the gaps in the extract. Be attentive, there is one extra sentence you do not need to use.Keys: 1 У 2 С 3 А 4 A 5 G 6 B.(Учащиеся читают отрывок в течение 5 минут и вставляют предложения вместо пропусков. Проверка задания осуществляется всем классом. Учащиеся по цепочке читают текст и пропущенные предложения).I’d like to pay your attention to the highlighted words in the extract. Match the highlighted words to their meanings in ex. 3 a p. 71. Do this exercise in written form.put up with – endurenot moving – motionlesscried out – yelpedhidden – concealed –sparkled – glitteredhuge – monstrousshine – gleam –extreme happiness – exctasybecause – forTranslate my sentences from English into RussianThe dog was motionless as it slept.The door was concealed in the wall.The disco ball glittered under the lights.The house was monstrous and had 20 bedrooms.Stars gleam at night.He left a message for there was no one at home.5. Развитие лексических навыков.Find words that mean big in the extract. Make sentences using them.big – huge, enormous, monstrous, great, largeShe had a small face with huge brown eyes.The swimming pool in the hotel is enormous.They have put a monstrous statue in the town square.A great many people came to see it.Tom has rather large feet.6. Закрепление изученной лексики.Let’s divide into three groups. The first group will find in the text all words related to the classes of animals, the second one will find the parts of body and the third one will find types of animals.Find all words related to animals and list them under the headings:classes: reptile, human, dinosaursparts of body: three-toed feet, five-fingered forepaws, tails, feet, skins, muscles, brain, heads, hand, cheeks, facetypes: birds, elephants, lizards, kangaroos, crocodiles, iguanas.7. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок.8. Информация о домашнем задании. WB p. 32Весь материал – смотрите документ.Содержимое разработкиТема урока: Читаем классику.Цели урока: Развитие навыков детального чтения, введение новой лексики, развитие умений работать самостоятельно и в паре.Ход урока:
  • Организационный момент. Look at the photo at the board? Do you know this man? Yes, you are quite right. This is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Today we shall read the extract from his novel “The Lost World.” What do you think the extract is about?
  • P.: I think the extract is about a place where prehistoric animals still exist.Let’s check up your guesses and read the biography of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. (p. 70 ex. 1.)
  • Фонетическая разминка. Look at the board. We shall need these words during our lesson. Let’s practice their pronunciation.
  • triumphantly – с триумфомuprighttrack – следswamp – болотоclearing – очисткаslate-coloured – синевато-серыйscale – чешуяbroad – широкийsight – поле зренияclumsy – неуклюжийhop – прыгатьthud – глухой стукbunch – связка, охапкаshimmer – мерцать, переливатьсяtrunk – стволcomrade – товарищ, компаньонfake – мошенник, обманщикspecimen – образецpraise – хвалить, прославлять
  • Основной этап урока. We shall read the extract and match the sentences A-G from ex. 2 a on p. 70 to the gaps in the extract. Be attentive, there is one extra sentence you do not need to use.
  • Keys: 1 У 2 С 3 А 4 A 5 G 6 B. (Учащиеся читают отрывок в течение 5 минут и вставляют предложения вместо пропусков. Проверка задания осуществляется всем классом. Учащиеся по цепочке читают текст и пропущенные предложения).I’d like to pay your attention to the highlighted words in the extract. Match the highlighted words to their meanings in ex. 3 a p. 71. Do this exercise in written form.
  • put up withendure
  • not movingmotionless
  • cried outyelped
  • hiddenconcealed
  • sparkledglittered
  • hugemonstrous
  • shinegleam
  • extreme happinessexctasy
  • becausefor
  • Translate my sentences from English into RussianThe dog was motionless as it slept.The door was concealed in the wall.The disco ball glittered under the lights.The house was monstrous and had 20 bedrooms.Stars gleam at night.He left a message for there was no one at home.
  • Первичная проверка понимания прочитанного. We have read some new words at the beginning of our lesson. Now it’s time to match them with their definitions. Look at the cards on your desks. Match the words to their definition.
  • Развитие лексических навыков. Find words that mean big in the extract. Make sentences using them.
  • big – huge, enormous, monstrous, great, largeShe had a small face with huge brown eyes.The swimming pool in the hotel is enormous.They have put a monstrous statue in the town square.A great many people came to see it.Tom has rather large feet.
  • Закрепление изученной лексики. Let’s divide into three groups. The first group will find in the text all words related to the classes of animals, the second one will find the parts of body and the third one will find types of animals.
  • Find all words related to animals and list them under the headings:classes: reptile, human, dinosaursparts of body: three-toed feet, five-fingered forepaws, tails, feet, skins, muscles, brain, heads, hand, cheeks, facetypes: birds, elephants, lizards, kangaroos, crocodiles, iguanas.
  • Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок.
  • Информация о домашнем задании. WB p. 32