Публикации Материалы для отработки навыков чтения на уроках английского языка

Всероссийский сборник статей и публикаций института развития образования, повышения квалификации и переподготовки.

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Язык издания: русский
Периодичность: ежедневно
Вид издания: сборник
Версия издания: электронное сетевое
Публикация: Материалы для отработки навыков чтения на уроках английского языка
Автор: Внуковская Лариса Владимировна

Лист 1 Прочитай и переведи My schoolMy name is Mike.I am eight years old. I am a pupil. I go to school. My school is big and beautiful.It’s got a lot of classrooms.Boys are wearing blue trousers , white shirts and blue vests.Girls are wearing white shirts , blue skirts , blue vests and white socks.I like my school.Выполни задание к тексту: прочитай выражения и определи соответствуют они тексту( Yes) или нет ( No)1.The boy is nine years old.2. His school is small.3. Boys are wearing blue T-shirt and jeans.4. Girls are wearing white shoes.5. Mike likes his school.Найди лишнее и объясни почему1.eight nine white two one 2.jeans shoes vest school hat3.beautiful favourite jeans clever4.wear run jump shoes swimДополни предложения1.What’s the weather like?- ( Жарко)2.What’s the weather like?-( Идёт дождь)3.What’s the weather like?- (Ветрено)4.What’s the weather like?- ( Солнечно)Запиши предложения в тетрадь1.It’s windy. She am/is wearing jeans.2.It’s sunny. I am/is wearing a big hat.3.It’s cold. She is/am wearing a coat.4.It’s hot. Тhe boy is wearing shorts and a T-shirt. Лист 21.Прочитай предложения и скажи, что это не так2.Составь предложения по таблице и запиши их в тетрадь( используй глаголы has got / have got 3.Прочитай и переведи текст At the circusWhere is Larry? He is at the circus.Where is Lulu? She is at the circus too. Look! A clown. He is funny.He’s got a big red nose , red hair and big feet. Look! A magician. He’s got mice in his magic box. They are small and white.You can see Cherry and Chuckles at the circus.They are chimps. They can swing and climb. And look at the dogs! The dogs can dance, jump and say “ Hello!”There are a lot of children at the circus. They are happy. Лист 31.Прочитай и переведи My favourite toyMy name is Lulu. I can swim, run, jump and sing.I have a small brother and a big sister. I ‘ve got toys.They are a soldier, a teddy bear, a doll, a ballerina and a rabbit.My favourite toy is my teddy bear. It is funny.I like to play with my toys. Лист 41.Прочитай и переведи2. Выбери подходящий ответ1/I have got a coat. My coat is clever/ blue2/You have got a jacket. Your jacket is green/ raining3/He has got a T-shirt.His T-shirt is white/ sunny.4/She has got a dress. Her dress is beautiful/ cold.5/It has got a kitten. Its kitten is cute/ hot.6/We have got a garden. Our garden is windy/ wonderful.7/They have got a house. Their house is snowing/ big.