Публикации Конспект на тему экологии и туризма в Саратовской области

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Версия издания: электронное сетевое
Публикация: Конспект на тему экологии и туризма в Саратовской области
Автор: Калинина Елена Александровна

Комитет по образованию администрации муниципального образования «Город Саратов»Муниципальное казенное учреждение «Центр развития образования» Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная школа п. Тепличный муниципального образования «Город Саратов» Муниципальная научно-практическая конференция «Futurum» Работа «Нет места лучше моего родного города» Выполнил: ученик 5 «А» класса МАОУ «СОШ п. Тепличный» Суслов Михаил Научный руководитель: учитель английского языка Калинина Елена Александровна 2023 год Content
  • Introduction.
  • About the city:
  • Location
  • The history of the city
  • Routes of native city
  • Conclusion.
  • Sources. The aim and the purpose of my research are:
  • To show the beauty of our region
  • to learn and find out more about problems of our region;
  • to demonstrate these problems to participants of the conference;
  • to attract attention for improvement and better coordination the promotion of tourism in our region and give new initiatives for its improvement;
  • In my work I used the following methods:- descriptive method- analysis of materials from various sources on the subject of research- to form the questionnaire to find out what students know about their native city Before talking about Saratov, let's see where is itThere are many interesting routes all over the world. But I am sure that a real lover of native country and native city should thoroughly observe the own place where we live. That is the reason why I’ve chosen Saratov for my research. Welcome to Saratov! You can get to Saratov by plane, by train and by ship from all corners of the world.Hello and welcome to Saratov! We are happy to greet you in our city located in a wonderful valley on the right bank of the great river Volga. The city stretches along the Volga for 50 km. with a population approximately with one million. Saratov is the fifteenth largest city in Russia. The official date of the town’s foundation is the 2nd of July, 1590. Saratov is a multinational city; people who live here are a mixture of Russian, Tatar, Ukrainian, Bashkir, German, Caucasian and other nationalities. I’m the citizen of SaratovI’m a student of the fifth form and the citizen of Saratov. My grandparents lived in Saratov, my parents live here and I don’t want to change the place for living as well. I enjoy beautiful landscapes here! The Volga river, short rivers, ponds and fields are surrounded by green forests. Endless fields become yellow in autumn, white in winter and bright green in spring. It is impossible not to love this land! Three natural zonesSaratov region is the only area in Russia that is located in three natural zones: forest-plains, plains, and semi-desert.Mixture of European and Asian plants and animals give regional scenery’s unique appearance. 1,700 kinds of plants grow on the territory of the Region, 676 of them beingincluded in the Red Book; 203 kinds of mammals and 135 kinds of birds live here. City ParkThere are several picturesque pieces of nature inside our city - our numerous parks. My favorite one is City Park. Here you can escape from the noise of the city streets and enjoy the freshness of air, forget about your problems under park trees. If you are looking for a peaceful place in the city, you can find it here. Lipki Park Another favorite place of citizens is Lipki Park. The oldest park in Saratov was established in summer of 1824. Over 1,000 linden trees were planted in the park that is why the name Lipki was chosen. In addition to linden trees, the park has hundreds more types of trees and bushes. In 1995, a presidential decree honored Lipki Park by adding it to the list of objects of historical and cultural heritage of federal importance. Our parks is the best side of our city. Unfortunately there is another side of it too. Today’s situation of environment in our region is of great concern. The main environmental problem of our area is pollution of atmosphere. Factories produce tons of harmful smoke and other by-products, which are thrown into the atmosphere. Air of Saratov is one of the dirtiest in the Volga region.More than five hundred trees have illegally cut down in Saratov. All illegally cut trees were adult and healthy. Water, soil are also polluted.This list can be continued. Let’s learn sanitary culture Many environmental problems are caused by human actions. That is why we are responsible for finding solutions to these problems. Chemical, energetic, machinery enterprises, as well as large agricultural lands, are located in Povolzhye-region. As a result, many territories of the largest European river Volga became the object of the highest influence.While we won't learn sanitary culture we can’t say anything about health. Volume of waste production placed on city ranges – 1,6-1,7 million cubic meters a year. I’m sure we’ll survive if we protect the nature all together! Today we realize that the Earth is in danger. Either we stop killing the Earth, or we kill ourselves. We need a cleaner, healthier planet. Millions of ordinary people understand this too. What can be done? I think that everyone should decide for himself how he or she can help our planet. And it is important not only to decide but also to carry out the decisions. In our school we organize different initiatives such as collecting wastepaper, finding homes for dogs, taking an active part in cleaning days. I am sure that we - young people should always have a decisive role and voice in shaping work in the native city. We may contribute good social changes. ConclusionI love my hometown and I absolutely can’t stand what is happening with environmental problems.We need to improve the environment to attract tourists.Saratov as a city with the richest history and ancient architecture should get more attention from visitors and tourists.To reduce migration, it is necessary to improve people’s living standards. A questionnaire