Публикации Effectiveness of Using Mobile Technologies in Computer Science Education

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Публикация: Effectiveness of Using Mobile Technologies in Computer Science Education
Автор: Шимкина Анна Игоревна

Effectiveness of Using Mobile Technologies in Computer Science EducationShimkina Anna I.4rd year student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science Education,NRU «Belgorod State University»,The head is Nevalenaya Ekaterina V.,assistant NRU «Belgorod State University», Russia, Belgorod.Abstract. The article explores the use of mobile technologies in computer science education, highlighting their impact on the quality of education, student motivation, and proposed teaching methods. It discusses the advantages and problems associated with the introduction of mobile technologies into the educational process, as well as emphasizes their potential for the development of modern education.Keywords: mobile technologies, education, computer science, student motivation, teaching methods, modern education, didactic preparation.The use of mobile technologies in the educational process is one of the key trends in modern education development. This is especially relevant for computer science education, where it is important to maintain student interest and offer innovative learning methods. In this essay, we will consider how mobile technologies contribute to improving the quality of computer science education, exploring the advantages of this approach, its impact on student motivation, and the problems that may arise during its implementation.In the article by I. N. Golitsyna and N. L. Polovnikova on mobile learning, the directions of using mobile learning in modern education are considered. It is noted that mobile learning has not yet become widespread in domestic educational institutions. The authors of the article analyze the technical and psychological readiness of students to use mobile technologies in learning and conclude that most modern students are technically and psychologically ready to use mobile technologies in education [2].S. V. Titova emphasizes the need for a thoughtful inclusion of mobile technologies in the educational process, taking into account all didactic aspects such as conditions, approaches, and forms of integration, as well as evaluation criteria and typology of used mobile applications [4].Mobile learning provides an opportunity to expand the boundaries of traditional classroom learning. According to the research of M. Yu. Novikov, the use of mobile technologies in computer science education allows not only to provide students with access to a larger volume of educational materials but also makes learning more interactive and dynamic [3]. Thanks to the use of mobile applications and online resources, the learning process becomes more fruitful, which contributes to improving the assimilation of material and the development of practical skills. The results of such a form of learning are noticeably higher compared to classical methods.One of the most significant aspects of using mobile technologies in education is their impact on student motivation. In the article by M. Yu. Novikov, it is noted that the use of mobile devices in the educational process significantly increases students' interest in the subject, as young people actively use smartphones and tablets in everyday life [3]. This creates additional incentives for learning and contributes to a deeper understanding of the subject.Despite many advantages, the introduction of mobile technologies into the educational process is also associated with some problems and challenges. As M. V. Derbush and S. N. Skarbich point out, the main difficulties are the need to adapt educational materials to mobile formats, the risk of distracting students' attention, and cybersecurity issues [1]. It is important to properly organize the learning process in such a way as to minimize potential disadvantages and maximize the potential of mobile technologies.S. V. Titova points out that the problem also lies in the lack of necessary information and communication competence among most teachers for effective use of mobile applications. However, she emphasizes that with the right approach, mobile technologies can significantly enrich the learning process, increasing the motivation and activity of students thanks to the use of familiar and beloved technical means [4].The use of mobile technologies in computer science education opens up new horizons for the development of modern education. They provide broad opportunities for effective learning, increasing the level of motivation and activity of students. However, for successful integration of such technologies, it is necessary to carefully work out the methodology of their application, as well as ensure the proper level of didactic preparation and technical support. In the long term, mobile technologies can become an integral part of the educational process, contributing to the development of flexible and accessible computer science education.References:
  • Derbush, M. V. Innovative approaches to the use of information technologies in the process of teaching mathematics / M. V. Derbush, S. N. Skarbich // Continuous Education: XXI Century. – 2020. – No. 2 (30). – Pp. 66-80.
  • Golitsyna, I. N. Mobile learning as a new technology in education / I. N. Golitsyna, N. L. Polovnikova // Educational Technologies and Society. – 2011. – Vol. 14. – No. 1. – Pp. 241-252.
  • Novikov, M. Y. Possibilities of using mobile technologies in the school course of computer science // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – No. 6. – Pp. 98-105.
  • Titova, S. V. Didactic problems of integrating mobile applications into the learning process // Bulletin of Tambov University. series: humanities. – 2016. – Vol. 21. – No. 7-8 (159-160). – Pp. 7-14.