Публикации Compliments

Всероссийский сборник статей и публикаций института развития образования, повышения квалификации и переподготовки.

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Язык издания: русский
Периодичность: ежедневно
Вид издания: сборник
Версия издания: электронное сетевое
Публикация: Compliments
Автор: Роздерий Алла Владимировна

  • You’re that “Nothing” when people ask me what I’m thinking about.
  • You look great today.
  • You’re a smart cookie.
  • I bet you make babies smile.
  • You have impeccable manners.
  • I like your style.
  • You have the best laugh.
  • I appreciate you.
  • You are the most perfect you there is.
  • Our system of inside jokes is so advanced that only you and I get it. And I like that.
  • You’re strong.
  • Your perspective is refreshing.
  • You’re an awesome friend.
  • You light up the room.
  • You deserve a hug right now.
  • You should be proud of yourself.
  • You’re more helpful than you realize.
  • You have a great sense of humor.
  • You’ve got all the right moves!
  • Is that your picture next to “charming” in the dictionary?
  • Your kindness is a balm to all who encounter it.
  • You’re all that and a super-size bag of chips.
  • On a scale from 1 to 10, you’re an 11.
  • You are brave.
  • You’re even more beautiful on the inside than you are on the outside.
  • You have the courage of your convictions.
  • Aside from food. You’re my favorite.
  • If cartoon bluebirds were real, a bunch of them would be sitting on your shoulders singing right now.
  • You are making a difference.
  • You’re like sunshine on a rainy day.
  • You bring out the best in other people.
  • Your ability to recall random factoids at just the right time is impressive.
  • You’re a great listener.
  • How is it that you always look great, even in sweatpants?
  • Everything would be better if more people were like you!
  • I bet you sweat glitter.
  • You were cool way before hipsters were cool.
  • That color is perfect on you.
  • Hanging out with you is always a blast.
  • You always know — and say — exactly what I need to hear when I need to hear it.
  • You smell really good.
  • You may dance like no one’s watching, but everyone’s watching because you’re an amazing dancer!
  • Being around you makes everything better!
  • When you say, “I meant to do that,” I totally believe you.
  • When you’re not afraid to be yourself is when you’re most incredible.
  • Colors seem brighter when you’re around.
  • You’re more fun than a ball pit filled with candy. (And seriously, what could be more fun than that?)
  • That thing you don’t like about yourself is what makes you so interesting.
  • You’re wonderful.
  • Everyday is just BLAH when I don’t see you For reals! (awesome – you are halfway through the list. You’re awesome!)
  • Jokes are funnier when you tell them.
  • You’re better than a triple-scoop ice cream cone. With sprinkles.
  • Your bellybutton is kind of adorable.
  • Your hair looks stunning.
  • You’re one of a kind!
  • You’re inspiring.
  • If you were a box of crayons, you’d be the giant name-brand one with the built-in sharpener.
  • You should be thanked more often. So thank you!!
  • Our community is better because you’re in it.
  • Someone is getting through something hard right now because you’ve got their back.
  • You have the best ideas.
  • You always know how to find that silver lining.
  • Everyone gets knocked down sometimes, but you always get back up and keep going.
  • You’re a candle in the darkness.
  • You’re a great example to others.
  • Being around you is like being on a happy little vacation.
  • You always know just what to say.
  • You’re always learning new things and trying to better yourself, which is awesome.
  • If someone based an Internet meme on you, it would have impeccable grammar.
  • You could survive a Zombie apocalypse.
  • You’re more fun than bubble wrap.
  • When you make a mistake, you fix it.
  • Who raised you? They deserve a medal for a job well done.
  • You’re great at figuring stuff out.
  • Your voice is magnificent.
  • The people you love are lucky to have you in their lives.
  • You’re like a breath of fresh air.
  • You’re gorgeous — and that’s the least interesting thing about you, too.
  • You’re so thoughtful.
  • Your creative potential seems limitless.
  • You’re the coolest person I know. And I consider myself bet friends with like all celebrities, so. . . .
  • You’re irresistible when you blush.
  • Actions speak louder than words, and yours tell an incredible story.
  • Somehow you make time stop and fly at the same time.
  • When you make up your mind about something, nothing stands in your way.
  • You seem to really know who you are.
  • Any team would be lucky to have you on it.
  • In high school I bet you were voted “most likely to keep being awesome.”
  • I bet you do the crossword puzzle in ink.
  • Babies and small animals probably love you.
  • If you were a scented candle they’d call it Perfectly Imperfect (and it would smell like summer).
  • There’s ordinary, and then there’s you.
  • You’re someone’s reason to smile.
  • You’re even better than a unicorn, because you’re real.
  • How do you keep being so funny and making everyone laugh?
  • You have a good head on your shoulders.
  • Has anyone ever told you that you have great posture?
  • The way you treasure your loved ones is incredible.
  • You’re really something special.
  • You’re a gift to those around you.
  • Our Favourite Compliments1. You are kind. 2. I admire your bravery to speak up about things that matter to you. 3. Your confidence inspires me to be more confident in myself.4. I appreciate your honesty.5. You are a thoughtful planner, and are good at being proactive.6. Your routines are inspiring to me.7. I admire your ability to set boundaries and take care of yourself.8. Your jokes always brighten my day! I appreciate your sharp sense of humor.9. You are a wonderful listener. I always feel understood by you.10. I have such good memories of all the times we’ve been able to share together; I’m always looking forward to spending time with you.“Your confidence inspires me to be more confident in myself.”11. I feel secure in your leadership and appreciate you taking charge, especially when things get tough.12. You light up every room you enter, and everyone can sense it.13. I appreciate your resilience in the face of challenges, and I’m also happy to be a shoulder to lean on when you need help bouncing back.14. I love how you balance play with work—you remind me not to take myself so seriously all the time.15. Your advice is meaningful to me, and I know I can count on you to be honest.16. I appreciate how I can be myself around you. Thank you for encouraging me to be authentic.17. You take new learnings and lessons with ease and grace; I respect your flexibility and open mind.18. Thank you for being a patient person. I feel supported by you.19. You have a calming presence and make others feel safe around you.20. You always know exactly what to say and when to say it. You have great intuition.“You light up every room you enter, and everyone can sense it.”21. I cherish the joy you bring to my life.22. You have an excellent eye for capturing moments through photos and videos. I love the pictures you share on social media.23. Your enthusiasm for adventure is contagious and exciting.24. You approach life with curiosity, and I admire how dedicated you are to learning new things.25. Introspection is your superpower; you think things through meticulously before speaking.26. You have an ear for good music—I love every playlist you make or new artist you recommend.27. You are great at dedicating yourself to the task at hand.28. I am grateful for how you show up for me physically, emotionally, and spiritually—you’ve always got my back.29. You are a good teammate; I’m glad I get to work alongside you.30. I love how you support others. It means the world to all of us, even if we don’t say it often enough.“I am grateful for how you show up for me physically, emotionally, and spiritually—you’ve always got my back.”31. Your voice is very soothing, and it comforts me whenever I hear it.32. You aren’t afraid to wear something new and express yourself; it makes me want to leave my fashion comfort zone!33. You ask such insightful questions.34. I love how empathetic you are. Your ability to feel so much is a gift.35. You are an intuitive and patient teacher.36. Talking with you and being around you energizes me creatively.37. Your enthusiasm for color brightens my world!38. You always make sure everyone in the room is heard—no one feels lonely or left out when you are around.39. I appreciate how much you allow others to feel their feelings without judgment.40. You give such wonderful, thoughtful gifts.“I love how empathetic you are. Your ability to feel so much is a gift.”41. I want to recognize the way you understand your own value, and how you understand the value of those around you, too. It is felt.42. You are bold and not deterred by the idea of failure; in fact, those experiences have made you the strong and knowledgeable person you are today.43. I love how you treat animals with such kindness and compassion; it’s no surprise that you are loved by all creatures who encounter you.44. Your ability to consider a problem from multiple angles and perspectives is a gift.45. You always see the best in others—your positive spirit reminds me to search for the good in the world, too.46. You are a great parent. I feel so hopeful and optimistic knowing that you are raising the next generation of young leaders.47. The way you love and stand up for others is courageous.48. You are magnetic, and people are drawn to your beautiful energy.49. I love how you treat people with respect, even if/when you disagree with them.50. You radiate warmth.“You always see the best in others—your positive spirit reminds me to search for the good in the world, too.”51. The way you retain knowledge and enthusiastically talk about [subject] is so cool, and I love how much you love it.52. You are quick on your feet and are a great improviser in stressful situations.53. You are effervescent.54. I admire your ambition and your drive.55. You embrace your silliness unapologetically, and it delights and inspires me to be silly, too.56. I respect your opinions on current events, and I always look forward to hearing what you have to say.57. I love how creative your mind is.58. The way you curate your home is so authentic, welcoming, and thoughtful.59. Your resourcefulness is brilliant.60. You are trustworthy. I’m always grateful I can trust you with important things.“You embrace your silliness unapologetically, and it delights and inspires me to be silly, too.”61. I love the way you analyze [books, music, movies, art]; you draw insightful connections and discover deep metaphors.62. Your art moves me.63. I admire the high standards you set for yourself and those around you; they invite everyone to strive for better.64. You have a fantastic memory!65. You are good at finding a way to be more efficient and mindful about how you (or we) spend time.66. I always look forward to seeing the result of your creative projects, even if (and especially if) they’re just for fun.67. You are an affirming friend and make others feel validated in a meaningful way.68. Your dedication to your spiritual wellness makes me want to explore my own more deeply.69. You consistently continue to get better at [X], and it makes me so happy to see you growing a skill you’ve already been great at.70. You aren’t afraid to take chances, which emboldens those around you to live fearlessly.“You are an affirming friend and make others feel validated in a meaningful way.”71. I admire how you trust your intuition.72. Your laugh is contagious, and it never fails to make me smile.73. Everything you cook/bake is creative and delicious.74. Your optimism is unwavering and uplifting to those around you.75. Your independence is empowering.76. I’ve learned so much from your clear communication style.77. Everyone around you is touched by your compassion; we are all grateful to be held by you.78. You are generous with your time, talent and/or possessions. It lights the way for others to be so, too.79. Creating community comes naturally to you, and you are good at being the “glue” of any new group you are in.80. You’ve mastered the art of relaxing—I want to learn to embrace my free time like you do. “I admire how you trust your intuition.”81. I admire your decisiveness.82. You have worked really hard to arrive at this moment; I hope you get a chance to celebrate yourself as you deserve.83. You are such a welcoming host, and I always have a memorable time at your gatherings.84. The way you admit your vulnerability is brave. I am here for you.85. You persist in even the direst of circumstances, and it is one of the things that makes you powerful.86. I admire how graciously and willingly you apologize when you’ve made a mistake.87. No detail escapes your attention—and that sets you apart at work and/or as a friend.88. You give the best hugs.89. Every plant you touch grows so vibrantly and beautifully.90. You helped me change my mindset about [X], and that has been a blessing in my life.“You have worked really hard to arrive at this moment; I hope you get a chance to celebrate yourself as you deserve.”91. I admire your punctuality; your promptness makes people feel respected.92. You have a beautiful way with words; there’s poetry in your writing and musicality to your stories.93. I love that I always learn something new when I talk to you.94. You are so organized, and it benefits everyone around you.95. Your wholehearted love for nature makes me want to spend more time outside.96. You are excellent at networking and making connections with interesting people.97. I appreciate your advocacy and your work to amplify the voices of people who are not being heard.98. I admire how you aren’t afraid to ask for what you want or need. You are candid and honest.99. My life is better for having you in it.“My life is better for having you in it.”Funny and Witty Compliments
  • I would still hang out with you even if you haven’t showered for days.
  • Your face makes other people look ugly.
  • Looking like a complete idiot with you is really fun.
  • There’s ordinary. And then there’s you.
  • You know, you’re almost as wonderful as cake. Almost.
  • Let’s say you were cloned. I bet you’d still be one of a kind. And the better looking one!
  • Are you a beaver, because damn!
  • Truth be told, you have really good taste in friends (i.e. me).
  • Aside from food, you are my favorite.
  • I have plenty of friends that I worry about. You're not one of them because you’re impeccable.
  • It certainly is not easy to be me, which is why I need you.
  • If it was legal to marry food, I’d still choose you over pizza.
  • I know this is corny, but you are a-maize-ing!
  • You’re more fun than a bubble wrap.
  • I just want to hang out with you and do stupid things together.
  • You’re just so weird all the time, it’s great!
  • I’m quite certain that you’re the only person I can have a serious debate with about a fictional scenario that is ridiculously stupid.
  • In a world full of bagels, you’re a doughnut.
  • If someone based an internet meme on you, it would probably be use to make people laugh heartily.
  • If you were a dog, you’d either be the leader of the pack or the laziest one in the world. Sometimes, I just can’t tell with you.
  • You’re someone that I don’t want to punch in the throat.
  • You're so adorable you could probably get away with murder.
  • In high school, I bet you were voted “most likely to keep being awesome.”
  • You’re more fun than a pool filled with colorful balls and candy.
  • You’re so beautiful I would definitely steal your photos, make a fake account, and impress people online.
  • When it comes to getting work done, I know I can count on you to not let me finish it.
  • You’re my favorite drunken karaoke partner.
  • You’re such a darling that if I suddenly turned into a psycho-maniac murderer, I’d kill you last.
  • You know what? I just don't know what’s it about you! You're so irritating yet likable at the same time!
  • I honestly think you can do anything you pour your mind into. But, I also know what kind of thoughts you have, so maybe hold off on that for now?
  • You have a unique set of skills that can somehow turn any situation into an awkward one.
  • I like having you around because my weirdness doesn’t look so weird when you’re doing it too.
  • So you think you look ugly today, eh? Well, guess what? You don’t look ugly to a blind person. Or to me.
  • If you were a box of crayons, you’d be the gigantic branded variety with the built-in sharpener.
  • You are like mathematics. You difficult at times, but worth getting to know.
  • You know what I’m thankful for? The existence of chocolate. And also, the fact that I met you.
  • You’re definitely not someone who I pretend not to see in public.
  • You are perfectly imperfect. And that’s just perfect.
  • I don’t think you’re clumsy. The floor and the walls are just really friendly to you.
  • If there’s one thing that I like about you, it’s that I like more than just one thing about you.
  • It sucks that you don’t see what I see in you. Because if you did, you’d just stare and keep smiling.
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, you’re an 11.
  • Our time together is like a nap. It just doesn’t last long enough.
  • You make me feel like i just got out of the bath.
  • You embody all the best qualities of each Hogwarts house, rolled into one.
  • You were cool way before hipsters were cool.
  • We all have those days where it’s like, “Yeah, I’m not getting anything done today.” And on those days, I know I can trust you to join me in accomplishing nothing.
  • Sometimes, when a brilliant idea pops into my mind, I run it by you to make sure it’s not super stupid, which is often the right thing to do.
  • Your humor is like a dog whistle. It mostly goes undetected. But to those that get it, they really get it.
  • I’m so comfortable with you that I consider you the human form of sweatpants.
  • I’m so luckily that you’re not a drug. If you were, I would turn into an unreasonable addict, and then I’d have to go for rehab.
  • You're at the top of the bell curve!
  • Compared to what I would do for you, The Legend of Zelda is just child’s play.
  • You're like that one sock that disappears out of the blue. I don't know what I did to lose you, but I want you back.
  • The people who raised you deserve a medal for a job well done.
  • You’re the human embodiment of the fanny pack. You’re cool, but in your own way.
  • You make me do things that I don’t like to do. Like fall in love with you when I’m not ready to.
  • You’re so damn sexy that children below 18 shouldn’t be allowed to look at you without parental supervision.
  • You could never be ice cream, because you’re so hot.
  • From this day forward, all my birthday and Christmas wishes will be about you.
  • Damn, you’re hot. You must be the reason for global warming.
  • I don’t really have a favorite color. It’s always pretty much the color you are wearing for the day.
  • A smile from you is more than enough to make my day.
  • I don’t know the reason, but when you do embarrassing stuff, I find you strangely attractive.
  • You’re that “nothing” when people ask me what I’m thinking about.
  • If you knew how much I think about you, I would be very embarrassed.
  • Sorry for smiling so much, it's just that seeing you improved my mood.
  • I think you're really beautiful, and I don't really know what to do about it.
  • You make me feel feelings that I’m not really sure how to deal with. But, I sort of like it.
  • If we’re the only two humans left after the apocalypse, I wouldn’t mind repopulating the world with you.
  • You’re like an untrained puppy. I always like to take you out.
  • I can’t take my eyes off of you. Unless you notice me, then I’ll quickly look away and act like it never happened.
  • You know what’s awesome? Chocolate cake! And oh, your face as well.
  • I can never remember my dreams, but I assume you are always in them.
  • I'm not drunk, just intoxicated by you.
  • You may not be ridiculously good-looking, but you’re pretty damn close. As in super close!
  • You always seem to remember the strangest little things about me. And I kind of love it.
  • I accomplished nothing today—not a single productive thing! But, I thought of you. So yeah, today was good.
  • I get separation anxiety whenever you’re away. So, I’d be a lot happier if you just never left.
  • You’re like a corner piece of a jigsaw puzzle. Without you, I would be lost.
  • I know you’ve what it takes to survive a zombie apocalypse.
  • I bet you do crossword puzzles in ink.
  • Babies and small animals probably like you.
  • Puppies and kittens should fear your cuteness!
  • Is there anything you can’t do?
  • If cartoon blue birds were real, a couple of them would sitting on your shoulders, singing right now.
  • Honestly, the hardest thing about being your friend is that I have to pretend that I like my other friends just as much as I like you.
  • No one is quite like you. You’re one of a kind!
  • You significantly bring up the average of human goodness.
  • The only thing better than being friends with you, is being friends with a talking dolphin.
  • You are cooler than secret handshake.
  • I bet you’re smarter than Google.
  • I bet you make babies smile effortlessly.
  • I really like that you understand my sarcasm because it’s in an advanced form and not everyone gets it.
  • You always remind me of the smell of new book—unique and wonderful.
  • Your smile is proof that the best things in life are free.
  • I don’t really like people, but you’re an exception.
  • I don’t know if sarcasm is a skill, but you’ve certainly mastered it.
  • Actions speak louder than words, and yours tell an incredible story.
  • You are quite adept at seeing the best in people, even when everyone else sees the worst.
  • You’re cool because you don’t judge me when I get excited about something lame.
  • I’m always amazed by the things you don’t find embarrassing about me.
  • Thank you for not thinking I’m weird. I mean, we both know I’m weird, but you accept it, and that makes me happy.
  • I could lie beside you forever. Or until we decide to go out to eat.
  • I would give up everything for a chance to talk to you about nothing.
  • I would love to spend every minute of every day with you, but some days I actually have to get stuff done.
  • You’re so cute that I want to throw rainbows and candy sprinkles at you.
  • You are awkward, but in a cute way. Like an elevator ride, but with puppies.
  • You may not be perfect, but your weirdness matches with mine, and that’s close enough.
  • Spending time with you is the best part of my day, well, aside from when I’m sleeping and eating.
  • You look like what angel hymns sound like.
  • You’re so fun and cute, I bet you sweat glitters.
  • Your kindness is a balm to everyone that encounters it.
  • If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber.
  • You should be proud of yourself.
  • The chance of meeting another person like you is the only reason I talk to strangers.
  • You’re so sweet, you’re giving me a toothache.
  • You’re so cute that puppies and kittens send pictures of to each other.
  • You’re even more beautiful on the inside than you are on the outside.
  • You always know how to find the silver lining in everything.
  • How do you keep being so funny and making everyone laugh?
  • You are astonishingly gorgeous and that’s the least interesting thing about you.
  • Sometimes, life sucks. But then I talk to you, and you just agree. That’s why you’re such a good friend.
  • You’re the only person I trust with my passwords. I’m not going to give them to you, but if you happened to discover them, I probably wouldn’t change them.
  • I look at you the same way we all look at giraffes, which is basically like, “I bet you were just born awesome.”